glasses v contacs

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Doctor Lecter

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2013
grantham lincs
evening all , one for mr lyons   ive shot clays for years with glasses  now using contacts daily disposable's   +2.25 and +3.00   my sight picture using contacts is so different  , makes the comb seem much flatter  , pop the specs on and  sight picture seems higher ,   is that normal , and what do you recommend  , by the way im 58 with astigmatism in both eyes , tried torric  not so comfortable , have reasonable vision using contacts , thanks very much in advance  we are lucky to have your expertise within our sport . 

Hello Doc,

Thanks for the question and its an interesting one!

Astigmatism is a completely normal component of a prescription and can be present in isolation or combined with either short or long sightedness.

Typically, astigmatism is a different curvature of either the cornea at the front of the eye, the lens INSIDE the eye, or, if you're really awkward, both!

Uncorrected or incorrectly measured astigmatism can cause distortion of straight lines and circular objects…especially those 110mm ones that we try to blow to bits.

This can happen with first time varifocal wearers who can feel the floor is sloping without liquid assistance!

I always like to correct the astigmatism as much as possible as it typically helps our shot timing. When the clay comes off the trap arm, we have three phases, a blur phase where it is too fast to see, a streak phase where it appears to be elongated and then when we first see it clearly.

If the astigmatism is not corrected, these phases are longer and so our shot cadence can be slower/later. It can also cause eye fatigue and possible dominance shifts which are problematic.

Regarding the sight picture, I guess the answer is what do you prefer? 

There is a fantastic product for astigmatism called Duette, this corrects corneal astigmatism completely and delivers unparalleled sharpness and visual stability to people who need a toric lens and don't have any lenticular astigmatism.

A pretty neat trick is to adopt a combination approach, correcting the bulk of the prescription in the contact lenses and then work in the astigmatism part into the shooting glasses.


Out of interest, what is your prescription?


I really appreciate your answer , as im not very bright  I find it hard to fully understand , my left eye is +2.25 and right +3.00  wearing contacs   my optician said I have astigmatism in both eyes  what he would consider average for my age , never heard of  duette    ( only kylie and Jason , sorry }    im right eye dominant  shoot off right shoulder  , interesting your comments  on astigmatism slowing  visual pick up  , my mates tell me to speed up the shot , I shoot tight chokes and tend to ride the target out ,   im only average shot  but  always trying to improve .  thanks very much  .

I really appreciate your answer , as im not very bright  I find it hard to fully understand , my left eye is +2.25 and right +3.00  wearing contacs   my optician said I have astigmatism in both eyes  what he would consider average for my age , never heard of  duette    ( only kylie and Jason , sorry }    im right eye dominant  shoot off right shoulder  , interesting your comments  on astigmatism slowing  visual pick up  , my mates tell me to speed up the shot , I shoot tight chokes and tend to ride the target out ,   im only average shot  but  always trying to improve .  thanks very much  .

Ed will probably be interested in the rest of the prescription too. CYLinder and AXis, as these deal with the astigmatism; presuming you don't have a Prism or base measurement.  You may have an ADDitional as well, for close work.
