Got a new gun!

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Funny one at the club the other week guy calls up the bird, out it flies but its chipped and goes off at a weird angle, but shoots it first barrel. He is then asked to shoot again and misses with both tubes, two wasted carts!
Some grounds, well in practice sessions that is, will tell you that if you shoot at a broken clay then you have accepted the bird, hit or miss!

Think the rules state that if the ref calls a no bird then you take it again regardles of if you shot at it.

If you shoot at it and then claim a no bird if the ref did not call it as such, then you have accepted it and ref cannot give it too you again even if he wanted too.

This is how I understand it but am open for disagreement on the matter.

A target that emerges chipped or broken or is on a completely different trajectory to usual is not a regulation target and should not be scored

First day out  at the ABTwith my new gun scored 14,15 and 14 not very good, but considering I am just through the door so to speak not too shabby. I am reasonably pleased and look forward to next time out. It was a funny old day today cool and quite dark don't think it helped target least that's what I am using for my excuse. Can't fault the gun though it is so comfortable to shoot I could have put two hundred shells through it and not felt tired and it comes up to my shoulder so sweetly, I'm really pleased with that part of the puzzle just need some more clays broken now!

Well done your on the way. Will take a few weeks at least before you totally forget about gun fit gun mount etc then you need to concentrate only on seing the target and trust your ability. Smooth but committed swing am follow through the shot. You soon be in the 20s

Cheers ips I hope your right! Today was really a positive one for me because although not scoring high I really enjoyed it, I felt I could have gone any other three rounds and not felt too tired. The gun is a joy to shoot it really is. I need to find another shooting ground though because I won't shoot again for two weeks!

Read everything on here about abt and ot lots of pointers.

Hi Jwp,

Glad you enjoyed the new gun, did you get to alter the comb height and try it in different positions?

Best find another ground to shoot at locally to put more cartridges through the gun.

Hi Andy

I took what you had said about your gun on board and raised the comb about a 1/4 but I must have taken it a bit too high because one of the really experienced, or as I call them coach type, shooters collared me after my second round and told me I was over the top of a lot of my misses. I did take the allen key with me and we lowered it about half that after he had check my eye down the rib. I then test fired at a couple of clays and broke then pretty well, which amazed me, so I will shoot the gun that way next time out and see what happens. I was consistant on my three rounds but missed a lot of tagrets that should have been good for me! Then was told by another coach type shooter that I was lifting my head off the gun and told me in no uncertain words to keep my head on the gun! But I must say again the gun is a peach to shoot, if I knew where to go I would be out again tomorrow! Do you know what? I just love the sound of that action when closing it! My lovely Beretta does not have that sound and you know it is not as nice to shoot either, I don't think it fits me quite as well as the Browning, its still a beautiful thing though. Not told the wife yet but I think I am going to hang on to it :spiteful:  she thought I would be selling it!

Hi Jwp

Well what works for me might not work for you but you made an adjustment, with help from an experenced shooter, and you now feel more confident with the set up. You just need more practice which can be a problem... with a lack of ground.

We just need some pictures to admire of your gun 

Funny this practice thing you know. 20yrs ago when i was shooting my very best abt as in 90 plus most times i had young family work etc and only shot comp every other week with no practice at all in between. I did not feel at that time that practice helped me as i approached shooting in a different way. My only point is that sometimes for some people every other week is enough to move there game forward.

Hi ips

You could be right about the practice and some will not need it. I have seen this in many people in other disciplines throughout my life, I would point out however that they were naturally good at what they were doing I, unfortunately, do not come into that category  :biggrin:  . No I need the practice but I also want to enjoy more shooting! I am getting older now and my chances of improvement rest with regular practice and a helping hand to guide me as to where I may be going wrong. Yesterday I got a couple of good pieces of advice from top grade shooters who are very helpful towards people they see have flaws in their technique. I can now take this forward to my next practice session and try to iron these faults out crucially the act of lifting my head off the gun. I would really like the next session to be next weekend rather than the next again though.

You said that it was bad light.....this is a classic time that people lift their head.....everyone does it. ( One of my serious failings).

When ever light is bad you have to ensure that head is on the stock.


Sounds like you are doing just fine though.....and the most important thing is have fun...!!





Hi AndyS

Here are a few photos 687 is a slinky looking gun compared to the Browning! As you can see my photography skills are on a par with my shooting, the camera is supposed to be idiot proof too!


  What did not help was me wearing tinted shooting glasses :crazy:  . I use them with a bit of frosting on the left lens to change my eye dominance! Loving the shooting, thanks for the encouragement!



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Good looking guns, You know you can alter the position of the trigger forward and backwards on the XTR, something else to fiddle around with LO, in fact you probably have 2 spare different triggers in the accessory pack..

Noticed that Andy but it feels really good just as it is! I don't know if you can tell me but is there a set of snap caps that comes as standard with that gun? Looks like it from the pack. I think my one was raided as they are not there so I think a email to the shop as soon as I find out if they should be there!


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