Got my first gun

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Active member
Jul 10, 2017
So after few weeks of searching and driving around looking at guns i finally aquired one of my own.

I had my eyes set initially  at berettas however the more and more i tried them there was something not quite right or they didnt quite feel comfortable. Perhaps because they were used and fairly old guns, but for me it was either a wabbly foregrip or the way beretta action closed, it didnt feel quite right. ( i think i will eventually get a beretta but possibly take a plunge and buy new) 

Therefore, after being to few gunshops, and generally having a chat with shopkeepers (whom were fantastic and helpful, especially when i mentioned that this was my first gun) everyone took time to discuss what i needed and wanted. So eventually my eyes turned to Browning and miroku. 

I will point out that i was really against miroku as i found that they were quite top heavy. However, against my own will i did take a Miroku Mk70 and browning b325 out for a test to see what fitted me best and what felt more comfortable. To cut the story short loved both guns and few cartridges later, to my own surprise i went with Miroku. 

Was really happy with it, and actually felt that top heavy barell worked to my advantage when shooting. After  getting all the bits i needed to get me started,  they did a deal on the gun. Was told by the shop that the gun was registered  in 2010 by the serial number but have not checked myself.

so hopefully i will have many pleasant outing with this one! Very happy.


Excellent news. Lets hope you have many a happy days shooting  :)

Great news. Can I ask who and where you visited and who you eventually purchased from?

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