Gun choice

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Jul 10, 2016
Sw Scotland
Going to look for first shotgun Wednesday with a friend who knows his stuff

was thinking if I never looked at the make and just went on feel and fit would it be a well known brand?

would you buy a well known brand just because it's the thing to do even though it didn't feel as good as a cheaper offering?


interesting question. Not sure but I would like to think I would go for what feels right regardless

There are 3 schools of thought,

Buy cheap,  your bound to replace the gun within a short space of time... so why spend a huge amount up front.

Buy a reputable well known make,  Beretta, Mirouku, Browning etc,   that way when you do change guns, you will get a good price on your part ex gun

Buy expensive,  have the gun made specifically for you, wood, engraving, stock etc. Trouble is, its made for you and will have an impact on any resale price.

Id go with option 2,  find a gun that fits and your happy with, not because a salesman says so.  

Silver pigeon, or a Mirook Mk 38 spring to mind


Thanks Santa 

i agree with you the top 3 makers will be what I look at and will end up with

was just thinking that if a member went into a shop for a new sporter and the guns identification was hidden would he leave with one of the top 3 ?

Was at sgc today and now have a new beretta sp lefty for my first shotgun gun

now for practice and enjoyment of the sports 


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