Gun Cleaning

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Last year I had my first experience of a "wonder cleaner" but it wasn't sold to me like that, just given a free sample, I really can't reccomend this enough as it has worked better for me than anything else I've tried inc beretta oil, Leigh, Napier etc etc. give it a go and I'm sure you will be amazed!


These are called Paradox Gun Cleaners - expect to pay between £25 & £30

Paradox gun cleaner


PRICE £28.95 (including tax)

Product Description

The famouse Paradox cleaning tool, a one shot cleaning tool for rapid cleaning of your gun. Cleans and oils in one easy operation, oil mop included.  
This thing looks like a fluffy bore snake. I know I'm a bit obsessive, but after one use it would be dirty. So I would have to throw it away. Nasty.

For the fist time I removed the ejectors last night!! The crud that came out was amazing, I use brush and oil for the barrels and chokes but I have just seen this and wonder what you guys think of the gunsmiths home brew cleaner/oil. see link  

This thing looks like a fluffy bore snake. I know I'm a bit obsessive, but after one use it would be dirty. So I would have to throw it away. Nasty.
Hi Will - I see where you are coming from,  to be honest I purchased one about 15 years ago with some shooting winnings, I've always cleaned my gun in the conventional way (bore cleaner, brush, jag & tissue) finally using the paradox cleaner on the final leg of the cleaning process to polish / buff.

For the fist time I removed the ejectors last night!! The crud that came out was amazing, I use brush and oil for the barrels and chokes but I have just seen this and wonder what you guys think of the gunsmiths home brew cleaner/oil. see link  
Eds Red now there's a potion - loved the barrel stand, I've gotta get one of those. They seemed to use an awful lot of grease which has a downside in the context that it attracts and holds dirt. This could be counterproductive as it could enhance wear. Good video though.
True about the grease, i suppose if you clean it every outing its not an issue as the grease does the job but if its left for months/years it will turn to what would resemble cutting paste. 

I have washed my mop once in 15yrs (that doesnt sound right does it) never had any problem barrel comes up shiney and new, never had crud in the ejectors either. On the oil / grease thing imo you can use too much which will atract dirt and dust, light coating of oil is best imo


clever, get in the 21st century man :)

I put 225 carts through my gun this week before a clean. It took a bronze brush, a nylon brush, 1/2 a roll of kitchen towel and two cups of coffee to get it anywhere near clean! I take a can of spray bore cleaner with me and spray the barrels before leaving the ground. Gives the barrels and hour or two to soak before I get started.

I put 225 carts through my gun this week before a clean. It took a bronze brush, a nylon brush, 1/2 a roll of kitchen towel and two cups of coffee to get it anywhere near clean! I take a can of spray bore cleaner with me and spray the barrels before leaving the ground. Gives the barrels and hour or two to soak before I get started.
If you are shooting Eleys, or any make of fibre, it will get much dirtier than if you use a decent plas wad..

I bought a slab of Hull Superfast 27g plastics and put that through to see what I thought of them. Much nicer than the Fiocchi Top One Fibres I have been using up until now. Smoother? certainly faster. Opinion possibly clouded by the fact that I started hitting stuff again!

Off to Countryway tomorrow to pick up a thousand or so to go and play with!

Going to try some Clenzoil if I can find some. Can't see my way clear to spending £35 on the other popular fancy cleaner for the moment!

For a while I was getting away wiyh a bore snake 5 min job on a Perazzi and Browning. After s couple of pull though s they are spotless. The DT10 is a swine. The bore snake wont shift the plastic in front of yhe chambers. it takes ages with a phospher brush ( the big thick one). I've never known anything do hard to clean. Its quicker to clean my Auto!!! I've read that chorme lining makes it more difficult but I've not found it the case on

others. First one I've had though with 3" chambers. Could that be the problem?

You guys are getting reamed!!  Guess what these are?  I buy one every 10yrs or so.  Actually I've been using the regular one for near 20 now and wash it with dish detergent every couple yrs.  Here they sell at gun shows for $10-12.  I think they were originally made for clearing the wet out of clarinets.  


Part # Description MSRP Buy Now 41706 12/16 ga $16.95   41707 20 ga $16.95   41715 Retractable 12 ga $14.49  

I meant to add too that I'm always amazed at the off the wall sh*te that people will smear on their guns when so many millions of $ were spent on high tech gun lube research in the last few decades by the military.  Some of which carried over to the commercial private sector and gave us the great stuff we have available.  But, it's your gun.  If you wanna grease it up and wipe it down with gear oil, more power to ya.  How do you stand the smell?  And the Bozoids here with EdzRed just boggle the mind.  but, I'm sure they know best what they need.

just sayin'

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A quick spray with Legia, leave while cleaning the action, then scrub and push kitchen roll through on a jag & job done. Then take out & clean the chokes, replace and wipe whole gun with oily cloth. Takes about 10 - 15 mins.

I quite like the smell of the gear oil, but its not very noticeable when used in small quantities. I dont tip the bottle into the end of the barrels & fill them up, just a small bit on a rag.

(And it is an official gun rag too. I'll scrimp on oil, sure, but when it comes to rags, its got to be the real deal. All those millions spent developing gun rags by the military... If it says that on the package, I got to buy it. Amazing what some people use, bits of cloth, bits of old cloths. Kitchen roll. Truly amazing).


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