Gun fitting

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Active member
Jun 2, 2019
Shooting 28 gram cartridges is becoming uncomfortable . 24g downwards no problem.
Have put on a bit of weight recently ,thinking my lop is now too long (already got the slimmest recoil pad on 13mm. And trigger right back on my 694.
So am looking at gun fitting. .500 meters from work are stephens and son Leighton buzzard,anybody have any experience with them or anything else I can try before going down this route ?
Initially, if you think its LOP, Stuart's idea is the right way to go. It might not be comfortable without a pad but 13mm is quite a bit to take off the LOP so it should tell you something.

I am no gunfitter but I would look carefully at where the pad sits in your shoulder - pitch & cast.

Moving the trigger does change the LOP as measured but has no effect on the distance from shoulder to hand. If the trigger is too far back your trigger finger may well be in the wrong place and cause you to 'strangle' the grip. I would treat the hand as a separate issue which may not in fact be a problem. I'm not saying (and would doubt) this would have any effect on recoil however.

Anyway that's not the question - I have no experience of Stephens & Sons however their website ticks the boxes, My suggestion would be to so see them and chat it thought - walk away and think about it. Gun fit is an art, not science. There is many a case of a bad fitting on one day only. Shortening LOP is a non-reversible job but it maybe something else and tape & card and a temporary pad could enable you to test their suggestion (perhaps going away and putting 50 through the gun) before you commit to major stock work. If they are any good they will look to sort something temporary (knowing you will come back for the permanent job).
I'm thinking increase the drop at heel (to stop me lowering my cheek to the stock ) and a possible adjustment to lop.. but who knows!
Guess I better book an apointment and see what they say.
Never had a gun fit by them but have purchased a shotgun, very polite and helpful people I must say
I had my gun fitting at stephen and son yesterday and can officially say I new nothing about gun fitting.( well what I thought was incorrect).
The lop needed to be increased with slight cast on added. All done with the adjustable comb and thicker recoil pad .trigger was also moved forward.
Mounting the gun has become much more natural with no head crawling required. Hopefully the thicker recoil pad and correct lop will reduce the perceived recoil. Time will tell but all in all proberly the best £100 I've ever spent .
Switch to 24grm carts? Our male logic tends to err towards bigger must be better or throwing more lead at the target will create more kills. For most of us normal mortals just getting the lead in the right place is all that's required.