Gun Reports In The News Again

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Then what is the point in the Police asking to see a copy of your medical record, or asking for a reference from your Doctor?

IIRC the Police only ask for a statement of fact from your GP to confirm the medical history if anything is declared on the application form or if they have concerns. Failure to disclose information in the first place would rightly put you at risk of prosecution.

A Doctor is not allowed to make a recommendation of whether the Police should grant an SGC; only state their professional medical opinion and confirm the accurate facts around the period of treatment and what for and if the applicant could be considered to pose a risk.

Any event involving legally held shotguns or firearms is always going to be front page news unfortunately; irrespective of the other factors potentially involved and the sadness for friends and families of the victims.

How many people get stabbed and killed every week yet so common the papers rarely print them as they are so common and don't sell papers.


IIRC the Police only ask for a statement of fact from your GP to confirm the medical history if anything is declared on the application form or if they have concerns. Failure to disclose information in the first place would rightly put you at risk of prosecution.

A Doctor is not allowed to make a recommendation of whether the Police should grant an SGC; only state their professional medical opinion and confirm the accurate facts around the period of treatment and what for and if the applicant could be considered to pose a risk.

Any event involving legally held shotguns or firearms is always going to be front page news unfortunately; irrespective of the other factors potentially involved and the sadness for friends and families of the victims.

How many people get stabbed and killed every week yet so common the papers rarely print them as they are so common and don't sell papers.

May I ask then, is it right that someone suffering from a mental illness like depression, should be allowed own guns.

For the last time.......medical tagging was not made a part of the Firearms Act after Cumbria.

No matter how depressed you are it does not make you a killer with a gun. Or a killer at all.

At the moment there is no reference to your doctor. Whether this will change only time will tell. However this is the tip of a very dangerous iceberg if it does, for our freedoms.

eg........look around your local clay shoot or straw balers and study the various types that shoot and how some people dress etc etc ........then ask a non-shooting person whether they would allow some of them to hold a licence :wink:

If we go down the route of what people look like or behave is a slippery slope. Looks do not mean anything. Equally someone who catches his wife with the milkman and goes to the doctor for prozac does not mean that he will be a gun risk..........people can be depressed without turning into a killer.

I am talking only about revocations and not about someone new applying for a gun.

One of the arguments that stopped medical tagging going forwards was that if it was to happen, then shotgun holders who fell into depressive states would then not go to the doctor for help because it would appear on a record. They thought that would be worse.

This is too technical a discussion to have on here.

Signing off this thread.


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