Guns chokes and steel shot

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am i right in thinking that you do not like the idea of steel :)

It ain't going anywhere near my barrels that pic is scary.

That long term use of steel shot damages your gun really is beyond reasonable doubt, and that's before you even consider its ballistic inferiority to lead. Successive studies have shown the dangers it poses to such an extent that it's not really a debate anymore.


Then what about the issue of steel shot damaging guns? All steel shot is contained in plastic wads to protect barrel walls from scratching or wear.

"There is no longer any issue concerning bore erosion as long as any pellet type harder than lead is contained in a properly designed shotcup system,"

explains Tom Roster of CONSEP, the internationally active Cooperative North American Shotgunning Education Program.



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No point getting into a steel shot debate. I, and others here, have made their point. Let others decide if they wish to use it.

No point getting into a steel shot debate. I, and others here, have made their point. Let others decide if they wish to use it.

Very well said Sir.  I have not tried to get into a debate this time around, only wanting to help the guy with some facts...from both sides of the fence. :bow:

As a lover of fine guns and lead shot, I would not shoot soft iron (steel) through any ones gun, never mind my own. Steel (soft iron) is not fit for purpose, it's as simple as that in my opinion.

Some people have different ideas, which is fine.


Have used thousands and thousands of steel loads shooting skeet , never a problem . I would say tho' i  only use Gamebore or a cartridge that has the pellets totally inside a plastic wad. It would'nt matter if you were using diamonds as pellets (other than people questioning your sanity )being in a plastic cup whatever your choice of pellets does'nt matter as they never touch the inside of the barrels , as an earlier poster said the pellets are soft iron not steel therefore a hell of a lot softer than the inside of nearly all newer (and most older ) barrels . Also in this compensation culture we live in these days do you honestly think a gun manufacture would say you can fire steel through their gun/choke if this were not the case (i dont know if there are any gun manufacturers left out there who say their guns are'nt steel proofed) Also although i have, as on this forum heard all these "horror stories" about what steel shot does to gun barrels , i,ve never heard of any guns that have been sent back to the manufacturer with problems caused by steel shot .......strange that !!  Not that i know numbers but apparently steel shot has been used exclusively in certain places/countries  abroad for years and as far as i know neither gun or cartridge manufacturers have ever had any problems with people using steel shot , perhaps these "stories and photos"are about guns /barrels that were never made to have steel shot fired through them !! As someone said read the instructions 

But i can totally see where Nicola is coming from regarding the use of steel  as a threat to the use of lead 

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