Harvesting Christmas Trees....

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ShootClay Admin
Jan 27, 2011
This guy knows how to work a Helicopter - harvesting bundles of Christmas Trees in Oregon


Oh yeah - a second view, of a similar harvest - but from the cockpit...


Why didn't they pick em from the edge ???

My guess is that they pick em from where they have grown the best (or closest the age/height they need them for that particular batch)...  bundle them up at the closest point and then use the chopper to load quickly to the nearest road.

I'm no forest expert, but that seems like logic to me. 

My guess is that they pick em from where they have grown the best (or closest the age/height they need them for that particular batch)...  bundle them up at the closest point and then use the chopper to load quickly to the nearest road.

I'm no forest expert, but that seems like logic to me. 
I bet they are stealing them. Hoping that nobody notices when they drive round the outside. Happens a lot down this way. Nobody ever pays for a tree.

Of course, using a helecopter might draw some attention??   Fools!!  :haha:  

Thats what I thought.... surely swinging a heavy load like that must affect the stability of the copter significantly?

I bet they are stealing them. Hoping that nobody notices when they drive round the outside. Happens a lot down this way. Nobody ever pays for a tree.

Of course, using a helecopter might draw some attention?? Fools!! :haha:
brilliant :)

Last time I looked over here a Eurocopter was £700 per flying hour so a bit expensive for lugging Xmas trees around even at that speed unless of course the copter was nicked as well!

Last time I looked over here a Eurocopter was £700 per flying hour so a bit expensive for lugging Xmas trees around even at that speed unless of course the copter was nicked as well!
I think you're right Robert. There's always a helecopter flying over that unauthorised Pikey Camp at Haldon Hill, so they must have their own!!  :sarcastic:

The last time I had a real Christmas Tree was in the early 90's.

I got it from a forest in wales while watching a stage ot the World Rally Championship. A very considerate Italian driver managed to break off just the right size tree for my lounge.

Silly bugger got too confident however, as he decided to go on and break the mother of all trees off for himself. Needless to say the tree won, and he even refused the offer of my tree as he said he was unable to get it home in his car at that point. (I think that's what he said, but I don't speak Italian).

Big mistake though! The resulting hatch of ladybirds from that tree was unreal. Luckily I got one of those elastic band guns for Christmas so all was not lost!   :sarcastic:


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