Hearing protection for game/pigeon shooting

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My point gee was losing one of the tips in your ear ! I have moulded shooters ears where the canal is nearly straight and if you were to insert 'that' you would not pull it out again


Or have some proper ones made exactly to your ear canal and that will last you for years. Going to try my pro shock hock filter ones out tomorrow at kegworth fitasc.

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I bought one of these custom fit mould at home ear plug kits for my partner to try and had a nightmare. My partner wears foam ear plugs at night because apparently i snore, but she find them uncomfortable. So seeing theses on sale at a reputable store and asking if they had sold many. They told me about 500 so i thought they must be good. 

To cut a long story short they didn't harden and we spent most of the next day in A&E getting all of the bits removed!! I wasn't popular :)

I bought one of these custom fit mould at home ear plug kits for my partner to try and had a nightmare. My partner wears foam ear plugs at night because apparently i snore, but she find them uncomfortable. So seeing theses on sale at a reputable store and asking if they had sold many. They told me about 500 so i thought they must be good. 

To cut a long story short they didn't harden and we spent most of the next day in A&E getting all of the bits removed!! I wasn't popular :)
Thats why i went to proshock! http://www.proshock.co.uk/ 

Didnt the kit come with tampons?

Yes £100 is to expensive for my partner to have in just to sleep when the foam cheap as chip jobs that's she's currently using work just fine!

It is also too expensive for me for game shooting when the simple Sonic II earplugs work brilliantly. I just have to take them out after each drive. We all have our priorities and i'd rather do some more shooting or buy some more cartridges. Please note i have some Emtec Noisebreakers for clay shooting and these were £60 and are brilliant as i cannot hear very much at all - which is how i like it when i'm wearing them!

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They are but the test is would she pay £100 for custom moulded ones and she would not. My point is that mine that i wear for clay shooting didn't cost that and i use them several times a week all year round. 

Or have some proper ones made exactly to your ear canal and that will last you for years. Going to try my pro shock hock filter ones out tomorrow at kegworth fitasc.

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Let us know how you get on. I am starting to get worried I will hear stuff I don't normally and it will be off putting

My point gee was losing one of the tips in your ear ! I have moulded shooters ears where the canal is nearly straight and if you were to insert 'that' you would not pull it out again
Yeah, I understand your point, but if done properly they would never come off, but if you're paranoid you could glue them on as mentioned.

Plus you can get different sizes of ear buds for a snug fit. I have been using earbud earphones for years (young and hip you see  :wink:   ) and have never had a problem. The are all 'straight' and i've never heard of anyone ever having one jammed down their ear canal as to do that you must be a right plank.

I do use custom moulded ACS sonic plugs for comps and love them but I would cry a river if I lost them on the foreshore or in the rape. 

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I used the Emtech moulded plugs for both clay and game shooting for some 17 years. They are both 'flesh' coloured and I have only managed to lose 1 in all of that time. (replaced by Emtech) I would recommend getting the flourescent coloured variety, which does make finding them in grass etc., a bit easier. I have used them for competition shooting and never found background noise to be a problem. When Trap shooting, I did use the Emtechs and a pair of 'cans' over them, but just used the Emtech's for Sporting and Skeet. I think that I would stick with one of the made to measure type moulded plugs rather than a pair of the DIY variety though. After a couple of minor strokes left me deaf, I would NOT recommend it to even my worst enemy, hearing aids are C**P believe me. Both of my NHS hearing aids are superb, until I need to hear.

I SAID...............

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They are but the test is would she pay £100 for custom moulded ones and she would not. My point is that mine that i wear for clay shooting didn't cost that and i use them several times a week all year round. 
we do sleep easy plugz and there not a hundred quid as they have no valve and made of a softer type of material to aid cushoning.


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