hello from cornwall!

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2012
camborne, cornwall
hi to everyone, thought i'd introduce myself.

my names brett, im 27 and live in cornwall.

i got my first SGC and FAC in december last year and have currently just been breaking clays with my dad and father inlaw every couple of weeks.

im looking forward to having my first proper go at trap shooting next weekend,

i may well ask a few noob questions over the coming weeks so please be patient (i will use the search bar where possible...)

i currently only have a cheep o/u that ive been using but it fits me well and i shoot pretty well with it. im sure i will upgrade at some point, however, i'm still on a budget so i'll make do for now.

i look forward to speaking to you all at some point,



Hiya Brett, welcome along. Plenty of very knowledgeable people on here, so ask away! Have fun!

Welcome aboard Brett -enjoy ShootClay - any questions, please let me know...

Welcome Brett, I'm camping down that way next week, can't wait, any good shooting grounds open through the week round there?



Welcome Brett,hope you find the forum helpful.

Tell me does the train stop at Camborne on wednesday ?

Chiefy :wink:


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