Hello from Dereham, Norfolk

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2014
Hi my name is Dave,

My family and I recently moved to Dereham, Norfolk, and what a lovely part of the world it is too.

I spent 22 years in the British Army, but have been out for some years now. I’ve always wondered about shotgun shooting, but never knew anyone that took part. Until recently.  A new friend invited me have a go, he took me for practice at Mid-Norfolk shooting , where we spent a few hours shooting, that was it, I’m hooked, I couldn’t stop smiling. Don’t get me wrong, I was crap but it was great fun. I then took my wife to a 20 min taster lesson with an instructor to see how she liked it, she didn’t stop smiling for days. We both applied for out SGC, and  10 days from printing the form out  our certificates arrived in the post.

We both had a proper lesson, and had some good advice, above all we were told not to buy a gun yet, try as many as you can for fit and feel. Jo wants a 12G 28” gun, I would like a 30”, we used 21g cartridges and Jo found them fine with no recoil problems. I’ve used both 21’s and 28’s and didn’t notice any difference

To be honest I’m chopping at the bit now, I want to buy a gun, I fell in love with a new Caesar Guerini Challenger Sporter (£2644 new) my wife has her eye on a Silver pigeon or a maroku, both second hand but good condition, our RFD said we can take any second hand gun out for a try before you buy, so that’ll be the next thing we do.

I’m in two minds now, as I can’t try the Challenger because it’s new I’m toying with a good second hand gun, they have a nice Gold E, but like my instructor say’s there more that on gun shop, anyway enough from me, glad I found this forum, my wife and I look forward to participating and meeting new friends along the way.

Stay safe all


Welcome Dave don't buy new firs time round cos you will change it cg is a good choice or beretta for me


Hi Dave, Welcome to ShootClay    :hi:  Enjoy your visits to the Forum.    :thumbsu:

Sounds a similar story, we got hooked 18 months ago and haven't slowed down since. We are out at least twice a wool and now evening shooting is available that will go up. Already planning East weekend with a practise shoot on Thursday evening and 3 competition shoots across Saturday (Royal Berkshire Handicap), Sunday (Sporting Targets Easter Challenge) and Monday (Highwaymans Registered Shoot). Beware all other life end once you get started.

Good luck with the gun choice - Victoria shoots a 12G also with 21g cartridges the gun has also been fitted so she has no recoil issues (anymore).


Welcome Dave and Jo :)    Just like to say I love my Beretta SP - 28" - can't give any advice on guns though.

Cracking first post...Hi and welcome :hi:   Not too far from you is Phillip Webster gunsmith and stockist of all nice shiny shooty things. Bought my 525 from him, very helpful.....might like to give him a look ? You'll find him in Great Ellingham..... :hunter:

Hi Dave.

In your post you mention that your wife quite fancies a Silver Pigeon?  

My uncle Jim decided only this weekend to hang up his shooting boots. Old age and eyesight finally have caught up with him.  Anyway, he has a beautiful condition Silver Pigeon S 28" now for sale. Its only a couple of years old and the number of cartridges put through it is still in the hundreds.  It's boxed, with 5 chokes, and is immaculate.  He's looking for one thousand pounds for it.  Its located in Lincolnshire.

I can't post pictures on the site at the moment (for some reason, Matt?) but if you're interested let me know and I'll send you a link to the photos.



Hi Dave . . . . . . . . and Mrs Dave, and welcome to the forum.

I would just like to say

Caesar Guerini Rules !!!

Just saying  :nyam:
