Hello from not so sunny Sussex.

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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I'm no teenager so I won't expect my progress to be quick!  I am going weekly so getting quite a lot of practice in.  I've gone from struggling with everything to having some targets that I hit more than half the time (teals, quartering and driven birds I mostly get).  There are still lots that I rarely hit, mostly those that are further away, especially battues (I managed to hit my first one of these last Friday).
Probably on those long birds you need to double the lead you're giving them - you shoot nearly into the next postcode in front of them if they're fast.  Getting some more than half the time is certainly making progress - my aim is to get more than half in a shoot!


Good. Just remember, 'quartering' is a matter of degree. You will see some leeed if its almost a crosser. For example, stations 3 4 and 5.

As for shooting under, I assume you mean to avoid missing above? To shoot 'at' a target, you still need to see it on top of the rib, not block it out with the barrels. All assuming you and your gun are conventionally set up.
Not sure, but I mean under a quartering bird which is dropping - as they often start to do very quickly 'specially those that only get to about a metre and a half off the ground before they start to fall.


Sure. Always pass through a target in the direction it's travelling. That might be downwards. Can be worth a plan to hit these ASAP to avoid the descent..

Bebo.  Looking at the members map we live about 100 yards apart in a small Sussex village.

Where do you shoot?

We run a small friendly straw bailer every fortnight from our family farm in Westfield.  It's on this Sunday.  Kick off is 10am if you're interested.




It does look like we are very close by.  Both the OH (Steve) and myself took up clay shooting very recently and we shoot weekly at West Kent and occassionally on a Saturday at Willow Farm.  So far its all just practicing and for our own enjoyment, nothing competitive.

Is your shoot competitive?  Not sure either of us are good enough to join in at that yet...

All the best


Hey Jenny,

Our shoot is very non competitive. This time of year we have a about 12-15 guys come and shoot. All people from around the local villages. The skills range from a few people who get in the 40's out of 50 to some who couldn't hit a bulls backside with a shovel. It's all very friendly and with plenty of taking the mick.

We do a nice line in gourmet coffee and bacon sandwiches too, as long as you bring them yourself. To shoot with us you need your wellies and a sense of humour. The farm is currently very wet so we are parking in the gateway of our field and walking the few hundred yards to the shoot. In the drier months we let people drive right up to the shoot.

You're more than welcome to join us. You take stonestile lane from Westfield for a couple of miles and we're on the right.



We've got guests staying this weekend and can't get away this morning, unfortunately. We would love to come along another time if that's OK with you?
Many thanks, Jenny
