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Welcome Gene.

Glad you are enjoying your shooting.

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Welcome Gene.  Also under a year for me but just as hooked.

Hi Gene, Welcome; I have been shooting a similar time and am equally hooked.

Enjoy the Forum  :hi:

Thanks for the welcome.

It's amazing how this sport takes over your life in such a short period of time.

I only started because a few friends down the pub are members of a small local club. I went along a couple of times and had a go with a borrowed gun and actually hit quite quite a few.

Next thing, I'm looking for my own gun, Mrs H comes down the club one weekend to see what all the fuss is about, and before you know it, she is shooting as well.

Which is great, Now the kids have up and left, we have something we both enjoy that not only gets a bit (read very) competitive, but the social side is great as well.

As we are both left hookers, we initially shared a gun to see if it was really for us. 10 months in and we are now looking for another gun, starting to talk about booking lessons, getting Carols guns fitted, entering competitions and even planning holidays around shooting.

We are lucky to have Sporting Targets just up the road, so we even manage to fit in a couple of trips during the week after work.

I just need a 2nd and 3rd job to pay for it all., 


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