HMR 1- Bunnies 0

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Nice one ! I used to love a days rabbit shooting with the wee Brno .22 but you so rarely see one down here... like rocking horse shoite they are.

How do the bunnies score?  <_<

Also, nice shooting. 
By winding me and legging it before I see them... score draw tonight but HMR headshot was a bit gruesome.

Thanks but the gun is so good I really can't say it's my good shooting

Nice one ! I used to love a days rabbit shooting with the wee Brno .22 but you so rarely see one down here... like rocking horse shoite they are.
Yeah, need a 22, HMR at sub 80 M is a bit gruesome as I discovered tonight 

All edible quarry are eaten, hence only headshot through HMR. .243 would be a bit of a wAste inside 500M I would imagine

All edible quarry are eaten, hence only headshot through HMR. .243 would be a bit of a wAste inside 500M I would imagine
One of my friends used to say he would blow the head clean off a rabbit with his HMR.17 :eek:  My wee .22 on the other hand just put them to sleep... head shots only I don't like bruised meat. Oh for a lovely wild rabbit down here...

Shot hundreds of bunnies with Bruno .22 on the farm and surrounding area,but sadly now no can do as mixee has taken all the rabbits.They never seam to become immune to it and still have the odd rabbit with it and have to be shot on sight and taken away for burial.Which person invented mixee want's his backside kicking.

Shot hundreds of bunnies with Bruno .22 on the farm and surrounding area,but sadly now no can do as mixee has taken all the rabbits.They never seam to become immune to it and still have the odd rabbit with it and have to be shot on sight and taken away for burial.Which person invented mixee want's his backside kicking.
It has be said to me there used to be lots of rabbits down here but mixi wiped them out. You do see them but very few and far between.

My patch of Sussex had so few rabbits last year.  This year the population already seems to be booming again.
There were loads of them eating my runner beans, I couldn't get anyone to come and shoot them for me.

There were loads of them eating my runner beans, I couldn't get anyone to come and shoot them for me.
Get that .410 out! Or that air rifle!

I no longer have a .22 rf.  I put it on my cousins license a few weeks back.  It was just gathering dust since I got the .17hmr.  I know what you mean though, you look out of the window and see Rabbits, but on a big scale on the farm there were so few.  Forgotten the name of the disease that wiped them out last year.  It wasn't myxi. It was something that rotted their guts. Was it RHDV...... i may be making that up. 

Anyway. I was lamping Foxes a few nights ago and stonestile was teeming with them.

Not sure I'd want to eat them after the 410 - rabbit and lead pate!  Someone was going to come set up the scope on the air rifle for me.  Not going to mention any names...

Not sure I'd want to eat them after the 410 - rabbit and lead pate!  Someone was going to come set up the scope on the air rifle for me.  Not going to mention any names...
We have one come and go in our garden and he is very much a creature of habit, I could easily pop him but he mostly runs straight along and ducks under into next doors, I reckon if you have a few then someone with a few snares would quickly get them all. 

We have one come and go in our garden and he is very much a creature of habit, I could easily pop him but he mostly runs straight along and ducks under into next doors, I reckon if you have a few then someone with a few snares would quickly get them all. 
We get loads.  Never used to have a problem, but the last few years the farmer next door hasn't been able to cull the ones in his fields (dementia, the poor sod).  We get over-run with them as a result.  

One of my friends used to say he would blow the head clean off a rabbit with his HMR.17 :eek:  My wee .22 on the other hand just put them to sleep... head shots only I don't like bruised meat. Oh for a lovely wild rabbit down here...
I can imagine that, yesterdays heads remained attached but exploded which was delightful...  still no meat damage though! I have heard of some serious distance on rabbit with HMR from people who I would doubt would lie but even at 100% exaggeration it shows how capable the round is.

I can imagine that, yesterdays heads remained attached but exploded which was delightful...  still no meat damage though! I have heard of some serious distance on rabbit with HMR from people who I would doubt would lie but even at 100% exaggeration it shows how capable the round is.

Do you mind I am eating my tea while reading this :huh:

I can imagine that, yesterdays heads remained attached but exploded which was delightful...  still no meat damage though! I have heard of some serious distance on rabbit with HMR from people who I would doubt would lie but even at 100% exaggeration it shows how capable the round is.
The game keeper at our shoot said, and I never doubt him he is a great shot, that he could kill rabbits easily to well past 150m with his HMR even with a hi mag scope a rabbit looks quite small at that distance. However I had an FAC Theoben rapid 12 and I shot three rabbits with three shots one after the other at , I paced it so not the most accurate measurement, about 80yds and that was only 28- 30 ftlb and every one was clean through the brainbox ! My furthest with a normal 12ftlb was with my Thoben SLR I shot one at well past 50yds. I had to estimate the hold over and actually hit in the neck just below the head... there was still enough energy in the pellet to make a nice imprint of the bone on the pellet and the thing never twitched. Then there is the opposite I hit one at less than thirty yds with my wee Brno .22lr right through the brainbox it leapt into the air pumping claret every where and I never even found it but there was blood all over the place! Never realised they contained that much although I have exsanguinated a few of them at my work just shows that a little bit of blood can make a hell of a mess. 

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