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David B.

Well-known member
Oct 10, 2011
Just shot the Hornet ,with Clever and Mrs Clever , a good course with some tricky targets

Clever shot a stonking 96 ! only 2 behind Mickey Rouse so a fantastic achievement


Cheers guys, decidedly a personal best. You guys both hit big too of course!

It wasn't the toughest shoot, but maybe it seemed easier after shooting the Classic! I found it steady because there was no wind and also none of my bogey targets showed up. I was aware that I was moving nicely today and remaining totally calm towards last pair. In fact three of my misses were in the first pair.

If only it was like this every time..

Cheers CSC3

Cheers Fuz

I did like the encouraging and congratulatory tone of ground owner Kevin Gray when I handed my card in: 'You're avin a laugh!'


Best not shoot the next one then, Kev will make it a ball breaker :.: :.:

great shooting will

i enjoyed it today ballsed up 2 easy stands by overleading finally realised it on the last pair of each stand but dropped 8- 10 birds because of it

only hit one of the big looper but shot ok otherwise

i reckon a high 70s will win C class

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I saw a lot of people missing that looper in front. I gave it 5 feet in front right at the top.



Nice shooting Will - you'll be able to dine out on that for a while!

I chatted with Kevin for ages yesterday, he said he'd spent a lot of time ensuring that traps were serviced after that last shoot... sounds like it paid off.


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