Horrid start to my day

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Well-known member
May 15, 2013
I was trying to pull out of a parking space today, indicator on for a long while, the traffic at a stop because there is a tube station ahead of us and lots of people are crossing.  There is a gap between to white vans so I start to gently ease out, turning my wheels when the second van decides he will not let me out and so I gesture him on and say something to the effect of go one then if you feel you will get anywhere faster.  As I put out and he is waiting then  to turn right we are side by side effectively and he throws a cup of liquid threw his passenger window and into my driver's window.  I presume it was water but it soaked me including my face,  my car inside and my handbag.  Totally unnecessary action and it has left me a little shaken.  I even cried but I was not crying because of what had happened but more because little by little I am changing because of the world I live in, because of what goes on and because I don't recognise my world anymore.  I am a very tolerant person, I am the one that gives the benefit of the doubt, too soft sometimes but I am changing.  I have become less tolerant, more inclined to distrust, I am hardened almost sometimes to the oppression of others and am starting to think lets just look after ourselves and I am NOT that person, I don't want to be that person.  Just feeling like I want to go home to Wales. 

There are some complete and utter sh*ts in the world I'm afraid and white-van man can be a particularly vile sub-species.

But I drive a white van and let all the ladies out!


typical of todays society  im afraid !     would he do it to a bloke ?  doubt it  ,  unless he wanted his nose re arranging ,   take car reg and report it . 

really sorry to here this Sian, totally wrong for any man to treat a lady in that way. It must have been a distressing thing to happen, I think I would be distressed if someone threw an unknown liquid at me. Pity you didn't have it on a dash cam as that would be deemed an assault. I would report the incident it may have been caught on cctv there everywhere these days. Try to put it into perspective though, the one who came off worse was the little man who made himself look stupid.

sad to hear about that, many years ago it did not happen too often,,,  bullies were sorted out quickly. now your dare not retaliate or your at fault ! ridiculous.

it is for a very good reason i have a dash cam these days,, but sad you need to do do so.

a few sad people in the world.

Typical of today's 'stuff you jack I'm all right' mentality. Close up gaps, refuse to let traffic in and deliberate bully tactics. My wife has had a guy in a 4x4 force her to back up on a narrow lane when he was clearly in the wrong with ample opportunity to avoid the situation, had her in tears and shaking. 

Recently there was a bit of video on the news of a bloke in a BMW blocking an ambulance because he thought he was in the right. The fact that a 3 tonne vehicle with limited rearward visibility is not the easiest thing to back up was totally beyond him.

Get his number plate and report it to the police ( Gee officer I thought he was waving a gun at me! ). I have had a bit of satisfaction in 'dobbing in' some real pricks of drivers, occasionally with video footage from the dashcam permanently fitted to my car. One wonders about the intelligence of someone driving a vehicle with the company contact details splashed all over it. Easy enough to make a complaint to the company. Look them up on social media and phone the MD. Enough complaints and the bad ones will be out on the street!

White vans are frequently poor but the real idiots round here are the taxi drivers. Often recent eastern European 'imports' with a complete disregard for the highway code and a macho attitude that can be downright dangerous in a car.

One likes to think that one day they will try the same on an unmarked police car or that karma will catch up with them but often when driving an older car I am sooooo tempted to continue a legal manoeuver and take out the offender.

It's never nice to read or hear of stuff like this and as IPS said, there's only one person who would look stupid if this was caught on camera. In the end though, it we who choose our mood, so don't let the twattish behaviour of a knuckle dragging coward dictate yours. 

Having said that, I hope you're OK as that would have shaken me too.


Did you get his registration number ? This repulsive creature must be found. Unfortunately with the best will in the world todays traffic and general congestion coupled to the pace of life is increasingly bringing out the absolute worst in some, regardless of whether you're in the right or not behaviour like this is never an option. I hope he gets found quickly. 

Thank you everyone.  I have calmed down significantly and I did get the registration number and will report it.  Just waiting for some advice from one of the parents in my school who is a Metropolitan police officer so may report it through him.   It's so silly really.  He left a big gap, enough for me to have brazenly pushed my way out but no I did the British thing of waiting for him to see that I was indicating my intention and as he did not move forward immediately took it that he meant to let me out.  As soon as I saw the traffic start to move, I started to turned my wheel and then he decides to cut me off.  Even then I merely stated he should go ahead if he thought he would get anywhere faster, I didn't swear, it was just an acceptance that he wanted to be in front so just get on with it.  

Really really sorry to hear about this Sian, unfortunately there are lots of sh*ts around these days and not just behind the wheel.

Ive only been driving for just over a year myself and I'm horrified at what I've seen so far.  Taxi drivers are always pulling out in front of me, mostly because they hammer it round so they can go and get their next fare.  

Sorry to hear of your bad experience Sian hope your Ok and the police officer can give you some help in catching the arsehole and bring him to book. 

Sian, what an awful and upsetting start to the day.  I'm just glad you're ok.  I tend to look at things now and think "what is or was the worst thing that could have happened?" And if the worst thing didn't happen, it's a good day.  Bullies like him need to be reported and sorted out, I bet he won't be so arrogant and pigheaded when the police come knocking on the door.  Get the other  half to cook dinner for you tonight and have a nice glass of wine and if you see the same guy tomorrow give him the finger and have the satisfaction of knowing you are the bigger person.  Take care.

Sian, what an awful and upsetting start to the day.  I'm just glad you're ok.  I tend to look at things now and think "what is or was the worst thing that could have happened?" And if the worst thing didn't happen, it's a good day.  Bullies like him need to be reported and sorted out, I bet he won't be so arrogant and pigheaded when the police come knocking on the door.  Get the other  half to cook dinner for you tonight and have a nice glass of wine and if you see the same guy tomorrow give him the finger and have the satisfaction of knowing you are the bigger person.  Take care.
thanks Donna, nice cup of fresh coffee and a big dollop of double cream as I don't drink.  I'm home now and my five kitties are restoring me to good humour.

Unusual really though Sian, I find that most 'white van men' are extremely mild mannered and have great difficulty in 'seeing red'.........................especially around traffic lights !

It's incidents like this that were the reason I've left off carry the handy shooter in the car 'cept for trips of some distance.  The temptation to just shoot the MF'ers was near overwhelming a couple times so I decided that I should remove the tool from the car.  I've several times regretted that decision feeling that I could have performed a valuable public service.

Kittens are a great distraction, Sian.  Nothing like the antics of a tiny fierce predator to cheer one up  hahaha

Kittens are a great distraction, Sian.  Nothing like the antics of a tiny fierce predator to cheer one up  hahaha
Have you seen Sian's cats??


So sorry this happened to you!  Similar was done by a delivery van driver to my cousin the other week.  She braked to go around a corner and then he overtook her, stopped, got out and screamed at her about slowing him up and she shouldn't be on the road as he had deliveries to make!   Had her shaking and in tears and did not get his number.  She's younger than me and not a slow driver.   Whilst he's clearly at fault the employers are putting too much pressure on delivery drivers be they in vans or trucks.


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