How Long are yours ,

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blaser f3

Well-known member
Feb 5, 2012
My son is giving Skeet a break for a while and is looking towards OT (also a bit of ABT and UT)and the question is, what length barrels are best 30,32 or 34 " in your opinion . He shoots 32's at the moment but recently shot a 34 " Blaser and loved it when shooting  long sporting targets (this could be expensive) also have been told a high rib Blaser sporter would be the gun to get ...................Over to you ! 

Why not shoot the new disciplines with the guns he is familiar with and go from there. Qualified OT coaches regard 34" as too slow for direction change on second barrel.

Just set the comb to parallel and make sure he can see some rib.

I've played about with various barrel lengths and had an original F3 in 34 inch and currently shooting a Guerini in 34 inch with another 1.75 inch of choke.

I am convinced for me that I swing better, im more steady and shoot better with the longer barrels. (sporting).

The F3 barrels in 30, 32 and 34 are all supposed to weigh the same but they definitely balance differently. I have an F3 Pro sitting in my cabinet in 32 and whilst it's a nice gun for me I prefer the longer barrels personally.

But it's a personal thing.

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I have used both 30 and 32. As far as I'm concerned it makes no difference, I can miss very well with either one. As for 34, well maybe for DTL/ATA, but not for the fast stuff.

First off I'll cop to being nobody from nowhere so that's this source.

And length and weight are different attributes

I have a 70cm barreled Mirage pigeon gun that will crush targets from the 27yd line.  Aside from flyers, I used it for some time over the bunker and shot it consistently as well as anything tho I've never had a 25 in me at that game.  Hack shooter but WTF, eh?  Not long ago, just for grins, after I got a set of 70cm barrels for another Mirage, I decided to see how the IM choke in  those barrels would do with 24gm loads from the 27.  Worked just fine.  My go to guns for about anything are 72cm, tho I have acquired 75cm barrels for a couple of them I just don't seem to muster up the need. Occasional diversion but no real need.

Standard skeet guns for decades were 26" and the international crowd seemed to settle on 70cm.  Why longer barrels would be needed on a skeet field is a mystery to me.  

Well, not really.  Thanks to Mr.Digweed (and every time I score a primo gun or set of "short" barrels for incred discount prices I do THANK him), his large stature, and ready use of looong barrels, every wannabe thinks length makes the man.  I say, Go For It!!  I can always use a bargain when you off those useless short barrels hahahaha

