Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion but I don't think targets have got harder over the past ten years, conversely I believe generally they have got easier to keep the punters happy.Target Setters Bible! My job is to entertain the shooters and give them an interesting shoot!
Targets over the last ten years got harder and some plain stupid and a lot of luck is needed some days.
Recipe. First target of report pair, bread and butter, 2nd med to hard! but must be shootable!
Simo pairs must have time to shoot both targets!
Don't put 2 long targets on a stand will cause long tailbacks!
No edge on targets or black against the trees or orange in the sky!
Most of it is common sense?also I never wear glasses while setting? If I can see them so can you!
Having shot this on Thurs/Fri I found this a step up in difficulty from your regular registered shoot, which you could argue it should be, being a so called World English Sporting Championship.
I think a lot of people were upset being well down on their regular scores where they would expect to get in the 80s and 90s.
Personally I enjoyed the challenge of the shoot and was pleased to get to grips with some of the tricky targets.