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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
Guys, after the last few weeks shenanigans could I draw your attention to this written by Matt in the forum rules and info section:

  • Please respect other members of the forum and treat people as you would like to be treated. I do not expect you to agree with everything posted – but I do ask you to behave respectfully to everyone on the forum.
  • Please do not advertise your site, or links to your site without my permission – I'm not a charity, but I also believe the internet is big enough for everyone – so I'm happy to carry links that are something more than just spam. Talk to me – I'm happy to help if you are cool in reverse. If you want your website to be included in our links section please e-mail with details of your site and a url.
  • I like a bit of b.a.n.t.e.r as much as the next person – but please keep the language sensible (so that we can encourage the next generation of shooters to be involved) – racist, sexist, homophobic and offensive comments are not cool – and will be deleted in a puff of smoke.
  • Please – don't be a chump – nothing illegal or unsafe that will cause a knock on my door
  • Finally – if you have any questions – email me at [email protected]  – I am a human and happy to talk about anything on the site.
  • And finally, finally – have fun, don't get wound up – it is just the internet after all.

I would like to add some things to that list;

  • Please take a couple of minutes to re-read your post and make sure it complies to the forum guidelines before clicking the post button.
  • Anything deemed to be a personal attack at another member or shooting ground will be removed first and questions asked later.
  • Anything that is deemed to be trying to get a rise from another member or "poking the wasps nest with a stick" ​will receive the same treatment as above.
  • Any grievances you may have with other members outside of the forum stay outside the forum. Please either use the ignore button or the private message feature
  • Please try and stay on topic, conversations and threads do evolve and move in different directions but deliberate derailment of threads will be removed.
I have tried the softly softly approach to moderating but quite frankly it has failed. The reason I volunteered to moderate the skeet forum was to raise its profile and hopefully get people to try some skeet for themselves. We don't need people put off by a perceived unfriendly reception to the discipline, when I and many others know it is actually very welcoming.

Thanks for reading, Fuz 

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