ips does a bird

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
my first attempt at a chainsaw sculpture


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Far be it from me to discourage the creative impulse.  You will need to be discovered as a heretofore folk art unknown, laboring under a demanding muse that drives you relentlessly.  Only a matter of a short time and your work will be proudly displayed in galleries world-wide with simply astronomical prices.

And I'll be able to say, "I knew you when........."

You will know for certain if he orders one for his   'Totum Pole'........................................or not  ?
Smitten as I am by the artistry I'm certain that owning such magnificence is beyond imagining for a person of my simple means  

Sorry ips i point blank (see what i did there) refuse to put that monstrosity on a T shirt.........Maybe

monstrosity how dare you sir, tis art of the finest ?
