Hi Ian
As soon as photobucket loads, I will post a photo.
I have a range of air rifles and among them is a Rapid .22 fac and the Impact .25. There is no doubt that the fac air will offer a better hunting rifle than the 12fpe legal limit guns in terms of trajectory and killing power/range. Due to high winds for the past couple of months, it has been tricky to carry out the depth of pellet testing and aim points for the scope/distance linked to the fact that the best range (65mt) will not allow me to use fac air so needing to do the work on my perms.
This has made it quite difficult to establish just how flat the trajectory really is however on Thursday evening I popped out to bag a couple of rabbits for a friend and although the zero is set at 25mt because my local RFD has a 25mt indoor range, I took the first rabbit at 52mt with the range finder and gave it just less than 1 mildot holdover resulting in a clean head shot and lights out.
I am hoping to carry out some range work this week as the wind level is forecast is supposed to be low, keeping my fingers crossed and will advise when I have a set of figures.