ips does getting ready for rabbit

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Chairgun would tell you to zero a. 177 @ 35 yards ish, depends on pellets but only moves it by a bit. How ever if you are doing most shooting a a fixed range you can just zero at that. 
the problem you get with zero at 35 is that you get a hold under of one mil dot at 20. Zero at 25 and you can shoot on the cross hairs from 10 - 30 with only half a mil dot at 35 and one mil dot at 40 all hold over. Ample distance for hunting so one assumes the 30 or 35 yd zero is more for FT . I have until recently zeroed at 30 as my scope is air rifle specific mill dots i am now a convert to 25 yd zero.

The idea of the 35 yard zero is to maximise your pbr, ie  never be more than 1 inch from zero. That's what Chairgun would tell you but what you do is up to you!  :cool:

not being argumentative max but I don't see the benefit. I zeroed my AA400 last night at 25 and was shooting 10-30 yd in five yd increments with no more then 7mm off poi .

for hunting distances chairgun is wrong

 I could not get my head around Chairgun so instead go to the old ways of producing a set of pellet groups every 5mts until I am happy with POA with mildot established. A few months ago I went onto the dark side and treated myself to an FX Impact fac .25.............................................what a tool, love it. I can't load photobucket at the moment so not able to post a photo this is a very clever piece of kit with tuning capability by the user instead of sending it for tuning, I am impressed but rabbits and woodies don't like it one bit.



I have seen chairgun printouts and admit its all a tad confusing... I be interested in pics of your .25. What ft lb have you got it too and how flat (or not) is trajectory. I am going to see how I get on but may go fac air for next year or even 22rimfire

Hi Ian

As soon as photobucket loads, I will post a photo.

I have a range of air rifles and among them is a Rapid .22 fac and the Impact .25. There is no doubt that the fac air will offer a better hunting rifle than the 12fpe legal limit guns in terms of trajectory and killing power/range. Due to high winds for the past couple of months, it has been tricky to carry out the depth of pellet testing and aim points for the scope/distance linked to the fact that the best range (65mt) will not allow me to use fac air so needing to do the work on my perms.

This has made it quite difficult to establish just how flat the trajectory really is however on Thursday evening I popped out to bag a couple of rabbits for a friend and although the zero is set at 25mt because my local RFD has a 25mt indoor range, I took the first rabbit at 52mt with the range finder and gave it just less than 1 mildot holdover resulting in a clean head shot and lights out. 

I am hoping to carry out some range work this week as the wind level is forecast is supposed to be low, keeping my fingers crossed and will advise when I have a set of figures.


one mil dot at fifty yd is impressive for a heavy load ?

Here you go, one Impact fac .25. The barrel has a pull out shroud so no separate sound mod. I use Air Arms Fields 25.4gr pellets so not too heavy for the cal.


ooh I just had an accident...

I need one of those.


just been for a reccy on estate area for cover crop now ploughed but still some grass around edges and signs of active rabbit holes. Saw four rabbit. Its an ideal area very secluded beautiful views cant wait. Have pinpointed a couple of likely hide areas under the hedge in a corner so will be able to cover a quadrant of the field.

cheers Phil might be a plan.

fitted my bipod and sling today, the mod went on couple of days ago its whisper quiet.


Looking good Ian, I am a big fan of the Trigger Grip Tripod, pricey but good. Don't know if I will be in  trouble posting the photo, if so admin, please remove.


cheers phil

it looks better with the muzzle break, the mods a bit long for my liking but it certainly makes it quiet.


what's best time in the day for rabbit. ??

ideally I would like late afternoon or early evening but obviously I don't want to waste my time going at wrong time.

oh and does it effect things if its raining ??

I find the rabbits will still come out if the rain is light and the weather warm but more so in the dry.

Depending on the area and if there is a lot of activity during the normal working day, then they are likely to come out a little later in the evening but on my perms where there is little activity in the area where the rabbits are usually found, I would be there now in position.

You will see from the photo that I use a NiteSite IR NV system so I can run well into the dark when more activity is found.

A reccie is needed I think Ian, perhaps from tea time and wait to see.


thanks Phil all good info for me.

I am going tomorrow evening with rifle but will class it as a reccy. Work it out from there.

Just keep your profile low or close to a tree or hedge as rabbits tend to be less interested if they cannot make out a movement or unusual shape on flat field. If you ever get up into East Yorks / North Lincs, let me know and I will take you out after dark so you can try with my NV system and I will do the rabbit spotting.

Good luck and me know how you get on.


thanks Phil, appreciate all the info and advice.

I have had air rifles since I was 11 and have done some rough shooting when I was a kid but this is my first time doing it "properly".

will report back tomorrow ?


thanks for the offer if I am ever that way I would love to join you and learn more about the craft.

wtf 192+ ft.lbs !

Customer review "It went straight through a Runny Babbit"

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