See also the section on Policies on the British Shooting website where the selection criteria and world class funding programme criteria are set out
That's probably the vast majority of the membership Les :lol:Well I reckon all us old buggers, those of say 55+, should get get a better deal,
So we must be in the majority then. So in that case we have not a leg to stand on, because it is only minority groups that get listened to these days Robert! We need a specialist association for the older shooter I think! It could be called "TOSA", The Old Shooters Association! :lol:That's probably the vast majority of the membership Les :lol:
Oh yes dear boy, pies would be an alternative to bacon sarnies! As for 48 years of age, you probably would need to have a proposer over 55 years of age who could show "good reason" for membership. "Good reason" could be any one of a number of things such as; not remembering why you are at a shooting ground, not being able to remember the word "Pull" when calling for the bird, having the need to leave the squad for a pi$$ and taking half an hour to find your way back, shooting whilst wearing your reading glasses and then wondering why you shot so badly. :lol: :lol:Les
Please can we include members of 48yrs old with a caveat that they have been shooting over 25yrs![]()
PS I like the idea of free bacon sarnies and possibly a pie thrown in at lunch time.
Probably not,Do we have, or are there any available figures for how much the respective shooting bodies (CPSA, BASC etc.) spend on/invest in encouraging junior shooting talent?
Another question: are there any examples of a colt coming up through the ranks via these investment programmes to win at national or international level?
Well that's it then Ian, in view of the above I guess you can now be sponsored by me, you can now join TOSA. :lol:Damm it I just realised that I have become political and expressed a view of what cpsa should do with my money. :mellow:
Damm it I wish I could retract some of the things I posted in earlier cpsa related threads now, as I now realise that sometimes just sometimes I do have a view on cpsa finances. damm damm and more damm![]()
Just think of the benefits Ian! Cheap shells, cheap fees, free pies and bacon sarnies! :lol:Cheers pal allways wanted to be a tosa![]()
Blimey Pete, what a good idea! I like it.As already stated most successful juniors come from a shooting family.
Being as it is an expensive hobby we can assume that possibly the youngster has a comfortable lifestyle.
We also know that as soon as possible they will be chasing the opposite sex and alcohol and any other diversion.
So possibly the only way to channel funding is through shooting ground scholarships? Where grounds identify and nurture a chosen number of candidates that a selection panel feel show true potential to make the grade and sufficient dedication to attend shoots and training days.This way the ground owners benefit by having the income from the youngster and their attendant friends and family. It's just a thought.
The trouble is that most shooters are middle aged and there are are not enough of their contemporaries in the sport.He now regards shooting as a very much Middle age pursuit /sport How quite we change that image I think is the key to attracting and retaining young people. JMO