If mine's anything to go by you've got about ten years before he's keen to do stuff with you again other than day to day family stuff. He's presumably got to get married, have kids etc yet!
Very very true, the lure of ale and the female form has ended many a good young shooters interest in the sport.I fully agree with the OP
I very good friend of mine spent an absolute frotune on his son in the 80s he started at about 12 and was beating many of us at DTL by the age of 13 he progressed to shoot for GB at OT and travelled abroad many times, he was a fantastic shooter and destined for very good things. Dad even bought him an SO4 when he was about 15 (allright for some) anyway by the time he was 18 he had met girls and drink and clubs and gave up, never touched a gun since as far as I know. What a waste of money for the dad who put his own shooting carreer on hold to some degree.
Now the point is this, its all well and good for a father too choose to spend loads of money on sons or daughters but do we really want to spend CPSA members money on it, I am particularily thinking about the recent posts about CPSA spending money unwiseley here, so be interesting to get some responce form members who voiced concerns over the spending of "members" money ??
Agreed on the young shots days. I have looked into this on a few occasions, they are expensive and as a capable shooter it would possibly be boring which brings me back to the on going maintenance and support post introduction. The point may have been missed by the CPSA / Manufacturer's that its not all about financial support or plying kids with cartridges. Advice and mentoring also play part in the development of any sport or profession and I can see no sign of this at present. Sometimes this is all that's needed.Berrettaboysdad,
Lets think about your last paragraph for a moment.
I have been involve in Young Shots since its inception, started years ago with Trevor Scott with sponsorship from Holland & Holland and did education days for youngsters at H&H, Sealand, Mid Wales, Treetops, Beverley, North Ayrshire etc. etc, all at my own cost.
Then with BASC & CPSA, still doing it.
But it costs you the parents a reasonable sum for these Young Shots days for what?
An attendance day and good PR for the organisations, yes a complete novice will enjoy themselves, learn gun safety and have a nice day socialising, but I seriously doubt your son will now learn a thing, in fact I would venture to say that your son may well teach his coach a thing or two.
Your money would be better spent having your son have a 1 to 1 with a GOOD Coach for an hour.
What most people do not realise is that the cost of the day at these young shot days goes to the organisation, the coaches give their time free of charge ( I do) the grounds give the use of the ground and clays FOC and very often the cartridges are sponsored.
It is about time, we the clay shooting fraternity started a scholarship scheme and gave deserving youngsters assistance.
Seeing a shooting association executive giving a speech at a free lunch does nothing for me.
Whilst we are on the subject, it is the annual round of dinners and awards soon at Churchill's and RBSS, George has received his recognitions, Ian Coley, Peter Wilson, Richard Faulds, Amber Hill, etc., have all received theirs and deservedly so.
But what about Brian Jardine?
Never heard of him?
He is Mr. Promatic and his loyal sidekick Ian Petrie, two men who have single handedly taken British Manufacturing and British clayshooting into World wide recognition as World Beaters.
How about recognising Brian Jardine, Ian Petrie and Promatic for all they have done for us.
Adult Shooting is not my call as you'll see from my profile.... not confrontational at all although this is a departure from the young shots topic which my response referred to.Not wishing to be confrontational but there are many many adult shooters who show real promise but i dont hear of ground owners giving them freebies.
Just an observation not meant as a personal attack on you or your lad.