Just started ABT

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Well-known member
May 9, 2013
Hi All

I Just moved to France and have started shooting ABT. It might sound weird but I never shot much clays before. I went once with some of the guys at the shoot and it was sporting which I enjoyed but the shooting ground was too far to travel so never really got into it. I have only been out at the ABT 8 times , four this season. I am improving my score though and have a high of 17. I usually only hit them with the first barrel and when I hit them they are quite literally dust so I must be getting them in the centre of my pattern? The thing I am finding is that I am inconsistant the last time out I shot three rounds scoring 11,17 and 15 and the time before that 7,16 and 15 time before 16,15 and 8. Probably a very daft question but is there a secret to being consistant? I have an eye cross dominance problem which I think I have now solved so I am now starting to concentrate better, but is it ust a case of getting to know the setup better. I am now starting to think of guns hold positions and eye focus positions I have heard that this is important, is it? There are a number of good shots at the club so I have asked for help but they, naturally enough, speak French and very quickly. I don't speak French too well so it is difficult. Anybody shoot ABT and have tips for me to follow?




There are some good specific threads on the trap section that should answer all your questions so suggest you add to one of those rather than us start repeating the same posts.

Cya in the trap section.

Regards - Ian

I would urge you to find a good coach and take their advice. ABT is a demanding discipline and being new to the game now's the time to learn good form and fundamentals. It's much easier doing it now than trying to correct mistakes later.

I would urge you to find a good coach and take their advice. ABT is a demanding discipline and being new to the game now's the time to learn good form and fundamentals. It's much easier doing it now than trying to correct mistakes later.
Second that!!

Yeah but he is in france and may not be able to find one that he can communicate with etc.

Have a read through the various threads on the subject on this trap section and if you want anything clarifying or have questions then ask away.
