Kent Sporting Aug 2nd and 3rd £500 HG

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2011
Greenfields are staging the Kent Sporting Championship on Saturday 2nd/Sunday 3rd of August with a £500 HG prize. This is a registered shoot to be held over 12 stands I believe.

There will also be a separate SportTrap Challenge 25 bird on their brand new Compak layout which will run on a re-entry format with a £200 HG prize, for tricky / long bird charlaaaange seekers this is certain to please. 

Obviously this is a trek for most of you but with 2 shoots running side by side over two days it's worth making a note of it in your shooting diary ?! I would love a great crowd of ShootClay members gracing these events.

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Hammy - how far from Southdown to there? 

There is a GB Selection Shoot (COMPAK) that weekend.... I'm wondering if this is a double header? 

Hammy - how far from Southdown to there? 

There is a GB Selection Shoot (COMPAK) that weekend.... I'm wondering if this is a double header? 
BN140RQ to CT20NG comes up at 97.2 miles or 1.57 hrs, might pay to do Southdown on Saturday to leave yourself the time and luxury of not rushing Greenfields and have a go on the SportTrap as well ?

Will have a little look at plans over the coming weeks - fancy a trip there... 

I'll probably use this as my first registered hopefully I can avoid working that weekend

I live about mid way between Southdown and Greenfields.

I also drive to ( and from ) Greece occasionally taking 48 hours for the trip.

I'd rather do the Greece trip than do those two plus a home and back commute in a day on an August weekend!

Tunbridge Wells to Greenfields is almost a 2 hour trip. Tw to Southdown in an hour. Even hammering up the M23 ( roadworks for a chunk these days ) you won't cut out much.

:) :) :)

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I live about mid way between Southdown and Greenfields.

I also drive to ( and from ) Greece occasionally taking 48 hours for the trip.

I'd rather do the Greece trip than do those two plus a home and back commute in a day on an August weekend!

Tunbridge Wells to Greenfields is almost a 2 hour trip. Tw to Southdown in an hour. Even hammering up the M23 ( roadworks for a chunk these days ) you won't cut out much.

:) :) :)
Tunbridge wells to Canterbury just over an hour on a good day and Greenfields is well worth the trip!

Same day as the very long running Les King memorial shoot at Barrow Heath........

Shame these events clash, guess some dont look at dates already lodged with the CPSA & shown on the fixtures section of the governing bodies website.....

Is it possible to shoot Barrow Heath and Greenfields on the same day - how far apart are they?

Same day as the very long running Les King memorial shoot at Barrow Heath........

Shame these events clash, guess some dont look at dates already lodged with the CPSA & shown on the fixtures section of the governing bodies website.....
This is also available to do on the Saturday for either event.

Is it possible to shoot Barrow Heath and Greenfields on the same day - how far apart are they?
124.3 miles - 2 hr 32 minutes, I wouldn't fancy it myself although entries close at 3.30 on Saturday so might be possible for some to plan their day to suit ?

Come on Boys! Think BIG!

It's only about 20 minutes by helicopter. What's the problem???  :sarcastic:

If only we had a qualified helicopter pilot on the site who loves shooting multiple shoots in a weekend...  

Oh.... and a helicopter. 

Back in the day I heard A J Smoker (RIP) and GD shared one for a Sunday, no idea if it's true but it wasn't through national media so a fair chance it is.


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