Watched it later on last night, I didn't intend to but I came across it when channel surfing.
The programme followed the experiance of 3 families, 2 of which fell into the pushy parent syndrome who were tring to live their lives through children that had clearly gone past the point of enjoying it to meet the parents expectations. they were being told by friend and family members that they needed to let the child come to it in their own time. Think of those pagent girls in the states and Footballers Dads in the uk.
One thing we should do is listen to what others in the shooting clubs are saying, if an experianced group are saying hang on, this person is out of line.
on a slightly different track:- it would save a lot of hassle and grief and have stopped the tragedies that have happened over here and we would still be able to own handguns for sport if the authorities overhere had acted on what was being reported to them by the local club. (I'm a bit bemused why anyone would need a Gatling gun or assault weapon other than to say whoooppeeeee! though).
The other was Tragic, from the explanation of the incident, an accident . Obviously the parents were full of remorse as he was on his own hunting, something he had done before but this time he tripped and fell over. He had gone out with a gun his mother had just bought him, so you can imagine how she's feeling. But it could just have easily been a bycycle or one of those quad/motorcross bikes that parents buy their kids, 99.9999999% of the time it's perfectly safe for them to ride a bike down a quiet lane to their friends or messing about on a motorbike in a field etc but as long as there is not an irresponsible level of risk we should be allowed to enjoy the experiances of life, However, sometimes something really unexpected happens.