Kindle help

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2012
In an attempt to build up my brownie point stash I've bought Mrs Iggy a Kindle Paperwhite for her upcoming birthday.

Now it's still in its box from Amazon, never been opened but I'd like to buy here a few books to get her started

Question is can I buy a few books from Amazon 'before' it's been opened and powered up for the first time or do I have to wait until she's opened it and then buy the books for it?

Apologies if that's a dumb question....I'm an iPad sort of chap.



Whichever Amazon Account is linked up to the kindle can be used to purchase books. The account will just store them for you then instantly download to kindle at your request.

If there is a particular author she likes, let me know and I will see what I have got for you. I think I can email files over. I have many many books so hopefully should be able to help :)

It is a super gift, I am a bit jealous that you've bought her the paperwhite, I got my kindle touch just before they released that one :(

From memory you can attach your wife's Kindle to your Amazon Account so it may well be possible for you to buy Kindle version books which can't/won't be downloaded until she sets it up.

When I started we both had one each and each were able to buy what we wanted off my Amazon account and each of our choices was separate so I didn't get hers and she didn't get mine.

I fell asleep reading my Kindle on the beach in Cape Verde and the Kindle went in the sand and never recovered so I downloaded the Kindle App for my iPad and now read my kindle books from that although there is also a different ebook version for iPads in addition to Kindle.

Hope this helps

Her indoors is on her second kindle,  There not as robust as you think!

i have the kindle & bingle app on both tablet & phone,

Advantage is i can sync to either  and read on both :)

Just bought my mum a kobo for her birthday,   not as polished as Kindle but still good 


Whichever Amazon Account is linked up to the kindle can be used to purchase books. The account will just store them for you then instantly download to kindle at your request.

If there is a particular author she likes, let me know and I will see what I have got for you. I think I can email files over. I have many many books so hopefully should be able to help :)

It is a super gift, I am a bit jealous that you've bought her the paperwhite, I got my kindle touch just before they released that one :(
Didnt know you could do that, i thouight  it was just a direct download to the kindle


If you plug it in to your computer you can drag and drop files into it. I've got about 4000 books on a USB. Nothing from the last couple of years but loads prior to that. Seriously PM me :)

Thanks very much for the help and advice guys, much appreciated.

It's her birthday next week, so I'll get a few books lined up.....

I'll post again next week after I've broken it.....


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