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Dog Tyred

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
Just checked the scores for the Friday. Only one 100/300 in (not surprised with the wet & windy weather) but staggered to see an entry of 340 shooters!!!

Eat you heart out OT


Yep and over 460 for sat sun.
Bet the car parks busy !!

Assuming the average competitor fires 220 shots during the 200 bird comp that equates to 101,200 cartridges being fired and 2.8 tonnes of lead shot being spread accross the Welsh countryside. 4048 boxes of cartridges at say an average cost of £4.75 per box = £19,228 on cartridges alone.

Assuming 10 hours shooting per day that equates to 5,060 shots fired per hour. Based on 16 layouts thats a squad every 24 minutes!! Bet that takes some organisation!!

Just saying.....


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Assuming 10 hours shooting per day that equates to 5,060 shots fired per hour. 
I imagine that is why the antis are able to get restrictions imposed on the grounds of noise!

This could get tiresome if one lived too close to a ground open on a daily basis.

Only one 300 by a junior

and a 299 by a lady

By my reckoning thats a junior and a lady having beaten 99.something % of seniors !!!

i rest my case (re multi classes thread)

Some impressive scores. Well done to KC Ellis (C class) sticking in a 100/293

28 scores of 100, 41 scores of 99 and 324+ scores all in the 90's.

Need i say more?

How did you get on? (sorry but don't know your name)

Here's a question. If points is the deciding (and overriding) factor in DTL, why are the CPSA avarages based on number of targets?


Never shot trap so excuse my ignorance is it scored 3points first barrel kill, 2 points second barrel?
Hence 100/300 = 100 shots all first barrel kills =300 points?

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Never shot trap so excuse my ignorance is it scored 3points first barrel kill, 2 points second barrel? Hence 100/300 = 100 shots all first barrel kills =300 points?
Spot on but only DTL. All other trap disciplines are scored kill or loss irrespective of which barrel you hit it with.


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its not its based on points. I shot sh*te last few days but expected too as dont shoot much dtl these days and its hard to get timing right but think its coming now so tomorow hope for beter. Only shot it for fun and it has been its allways a great event.

Pm to follow


its not its based on points. I shot sh*te last few days but expected too as dont shoot much dtl these days and its hard to get timing right but think its coming now so tomorow hope for beter. Only shot it for fun and it has been its allways a great event.

Pm to follow
Really? Makes no mention of this on the CPSA website.

I'd always assumed that the percentages in the CPSA Issue were based on number of targets but as they are percentages I guess they could be based on available points ?

I've only shot one DTL comp this year (just to get a cassification) and scored 94/270. Sooooooooooo I assumed I would be put in A class (92.1 >95.3%) based on targets but based on the points (90%) I would be put in B class (87.8 > 92%).

Go figure.

Its absolutely Defo on points me old pal. 277 and above usually keeps you in A 288 for the dreaded AA :)

Yes, determined on points. I'm just back from the Krieghoff. An absolutely cracking event as always. It runs like clockwork and, Friday aside, even the weather was decent this year.

Agreed, a truly fantastic event allways goes smoothly and you wouldnt find better targets any were. Took me 200 to get timing right after all that abt and ot but shot 99 - 292 on sun so happy with that one at least.
