Lead Shot Anti's Again.

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2011
Sleaford Lincolnshire
The following is from the current issue of Shooting Times.


The Lead Ammunition Groups (LAG) deliberation into lead ammunition some months ago fell by the wayside when,I believe,funding was withdrawn.

It would appear that the WWT has decided that lead must go across all forms of shotgun shooting and,presumably,air weapons regardless of any evidence existing to show that a lead ban is not necessary because it is not sufficiently harmful.

Surely lead is already banned over wetlands,so what is their beef?

One of the reasons I did not renew my CPSA membership was because of their appalling attitude to the LAG's deliberations when the CPSA did not insist on being personally in attendance at the meetings to fully represent their members.The members who are part of the greatest numbers of lead shot users in the country,namely clay shooters.

What,dare we ask,is the CPSA's opinion regarding this latest attack?

I believe the CPSA were represented by the Shooting Sports Council or Trust.

As far as the BASC were concerned they were at the forefront of the meetings but many people were suspicious of their true agenda regarding lead shot.

Which organisation is likely to support the lead shot cause?


The following is from the current issue of Shooting Times.


The Lead Ammunition Groups (LAG) deliberation into lead ammunition some months ago fell by the wayside when,I believe,funding was withdrawn.

It would appear that the WWT has decided that lead must go across all forms of shotgun shooting and,presumably,air weapons regardless of any evidence existing to show that a lead ban is not necessary because it is not sufficiently harmful.

Surely lead is already banned over wetlands,so what is their beef?

One of the reasons I did not renew my CPSA membership was because of their appalling attitude to the LAG's deliberations when the CPSA did not insist on being personally in attendance at the meetings to fully represent their members.The members who are part of the greatest numbers of lead shot users in the country,namely clay shooters.

What,dare we ask,is the CPSA's opinion regarding this latest attack?

I believe the CPSA were represented by the Shooting Sports Council or Trust.

As far as the BASC were concerned they were at the forefront of the meetings but many people were suspicious of their true agenda regarding lead shot.

Which organisation is likely to support the lead shot cause?


Aye, don't think BASC did anything towards the "lead shot debacle". They don't want to rock the boat in anyway, they prefer the quiet easy life.


I've had a bunch of email on this subject today - but the Countryside Alliance will not respond to anything I've sent. I've offered to help out with National Shooting Week, and I've asked for some definitive lines on the threat to lead - but they don't seem interested.

Shame - I was happy to be another flag waver for publicity on this one.


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