Lead Shot (ban?)

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2012
Now then, I know this thread was amply covered some weeks and months ago, but I just want to share a couple of e-mails that I received this week from MEPs following the standard e-mail a lot of us sent months ago... there's nothing like having your finger on the pulse and keeping up to date with things!

1. Received on the 16th November;

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for contacting me regarding the ECHA and lead in ammunition.

This matter has been raised by a number of constituents, and the Conservative grouping within the European Parliament have duly investigated.

The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) has stated that it is not working on a restriction dossier, nor has the European Commission requested that they do so. However, the Swedish government has declared their intention to prepare a restriction dossier, though any request for a European-wide restriction would thus be first subjected to a widespread consultation process. As the Conservative spokesman for agriculture has already stated, we will keep a sharp vigilance and act accordingly if anything further happens on this.

In the meantime, if I can be of assistance to you on any other matter, please to not hesitate to get in touch; I shall be happy to help.

Kind regards,

Nirj Deva DL MEP

2. Received TODAY!

From: Sharon Bowles MEP <[email protected]>

Sent: Tuesday, 20 November 2012, 11:27

Subject: RE: ECHA Investigation on Lead in Ammunition

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email regarding the investigation by the European Chemicals Agency into the use of lead in ammunition.

The ECHA is a research organisation for the EU. When the ECHA report the matter as an area of concern it then opens for public consultation, for the lead findings the consultation opened up on the 23/10/12 and will close on 7/12/12. Following this the report and all comments are compiled and forwarded to the Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) for review. After the RAC have assessed the situation then can then progress the matter to the Parliament.

I have noted your comments and shall pass them onto my colleagues. I will also bear them in mind should I have the opportunity to review this matter myself in the Parliament. Should you want to comment on this matter yourself you may do so by following this link https://comments.echa.europa.eu/comments_cms/AnnexXVCLH.aspx?SubstanceName=Lead&EcNumber=231-100-4&CasNumber=7439-92-1 .

Thank you once again for your correspondence.

Kind Regards,

Sharon Bowles MEP


Office of Sharon Bowles MEP, Liberal Democrat

Chair of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee

Member of the European Parliament for South East England

You should forward each response to the opposite party and see what happens!

They are obviously on a mass posting.....I got one from Sharon today....same words ^_^

Perhaps we should forward all the MP's letters to BASC? They seem to be constantly promoting Steel as a viable alternative to Lead. Steel is for Barrels, Lead is for shot. Let us keep it that way.

Perhaps we should forward all the MP's letters to BASC? They seem to be constantly promoting Steel as a viable alternative to Lead. Steel is for Barrels, Lead is for shot. Let us keep it that way.
A load from on here sent me their responses and I have sent them to BSSC whose people deal with the EU issues (BASC also sit on this Board). They will be getting copies from everyone. And Salop as you are I know......this is part of a bigger picture.

I have been ticked off by some BASC high flyers about my view on their 'protection of lead'........my view has not changed......!!

Lead is in severe danger of being banned. Not enough is being done to protect it.

There is an old saying in industry, that if you want anything doing look for a busy person and ask them to do it.

If you want to protect Lead shot from being banned, sadly we cannot turn to CPSA or BASC, because CPSA cannot at the moment see any issues or problems and are happy for BASC to represent them in any negotiations. Clayshooting I would think is the biggest overall user of Lead shot, so I cannot quiet understand CPSA reluctance to voice their concerns.

BASC let us not forget are now a conservation society primarily and are more used to political lobbying rather than fighting our corner robustly.

Every time this debate comes up their standard argument or point of view is 'Steel is not so bad you know, you should try it." Well sorry but I cannot use it in my cherished Birmingham and London made guns because (a) some of my guns chambers are too short. ( B) I do not want to risk blowing them assunder. So NO, soft iron is NOT a viable or usable alternative. When you come to me with irrefutable evidence that Lead is as harmful as the WWT would have us believe, then and only then I will listen and possibly consider using an alternative to Lead which I hasten to add will not be a viable economical alternative. Come on CPSA come down off the fence and represent clayshooting please.

There is an old saying in industry, that if you want anything doing look for a busy person and ask them to do it.

If you want to protect Lead shot from being banned, sadly we cannot turn to CPSA or BASC, because CPSA cannot at the moment see any issues or problems and are happy for BASC to represent them in any negotiations. Clayshooting I would think is the biggest overall user of Lead shot, so I cannot quiet understand CPSA reluctance to voice their concerns.

BASC let us not forget are now a conservation society primarily and are more used to political lobbying rather than fighting our corner robustly.

Every time this debate comes up their standard argument or point of view is 'Steel is not so bad you know, you should try it." Well sorry but I cannot use it in my cherished Birmingham and London made guns because (a) some of my guns chambers are too short. ( B) I do not want to risk blowing them assunder. So NO, soft iron is NOT a viable or usable alternative. When you come to me with irrefutable evidence that Lead is as harmful as the WWT would have us believe, then and only then I will listen and possibly consider using an alternative to Lead which I hasten to add will not be a viable economical alternative. Come on CPSA come down off the fence and represent clayshooting please.
I agree fully Pete. The CPSA have always been too limp wristed to try get into any sort of a fight over lead, all they are good for is making/changing rules that often should be left well alone, not to mention bowing down to various other shooting bodies. They are a dog without teeth. Sorry about that but I've been a CPSA member since the 1980's and to date I do not recall them ever doing much to promote shooting in the wider community or to protect the interests of the members as a whole. I will now go get my tin hat and flack jacket! :angry:
