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So you will be heading off back to your forum that is 10 times bigger than Matt's and run exactly how you want then?

Suprised you have the time to post on here. The other post you made talking about elitism must come from your lack of understanding about your 'very new' sport. Most of the people who you class in your mind as 'elite' are the ones who have been there and done it and are qualified to answer or help by taking the time and answer newbie questions with patience. I am a little taken a back that you refer to them in these terms, if you are a newbie wanting help. Can I suggest that it is not the way to engratiate yourself with them by critisising the owner of this forum where you have chosen to join......no matter how politely you do it.

..............Just saying (politely)
An interesting take on my words Nicola but sadly your enthusiasm to have a pop at me and back up your buddy has blinded you to the facts. I was very happy to leave this subject to lie but if you would like to debate it Im happy to continue.

I remember it wasnt so long ago that you signed off from this forum because of the way a certain member was treating you - remember?

I speak up about a couple of less than nice comments, one directed at another member and then another directed at other forum posters as a whole and all of a sudden Im the bad guy????

"HEEL!!! Harley, come to HEEL!!! Roll over, fetch, sit, lie down.......time for your flea treatment!!!

Dry your eyes, what do you want? Someone to give you a cuddle and tell you their your friend? Did I hurt your little feelings? Get over yourself.......take some Apache advice about learning......."listen much, talk little" - Darkside

A comment like this should not be welcome on any forum anywhere, it does nothing to portray the type of image Im sure the owner of this forum or its membership wants, this has been alluded to by Jon above.

"The button will be getting a lot of use from me, seem to be endless sh*t spouting up that I can't be bothered to trawl thru!" - Ed Solomons

Equally this is a very negative and disparaging comment that will do little to encourage a newcomer to ask questions for fear of bothering the elite with their trivial 'sh*t', it doesnt do the poster any favours and makes him look eletist even if in fact he isnt. I dont know Ed, he may well be a nice guy but until I meet him personally I will have little more than his forum contributions to form any opinion on.

Remember Nicola, I just reads others words, I dont write them.

Seems to me like it's six of one and the other half dozen are best served cold....

Strange Alan that you post a PM on open site........but here is the reply that I sent you.


You are being very silly. Making assumptions without the knowledge of the people involved or their ways....derogatory references to 'buddies'....you are a bit over emotional for a keyboard warrior....I am not having any 'pop' ..........I am replying to posts....as a free person with a point of view.....or is that not allowed on your forum.

I do not 'do' pm talk, i do not think it is healthy for forums.....I also do not get bullied or intimidated.......but I will make this an exception and reply to this one pm....once.

You assume far to much newbie about why i stopped posting on here. I discussed it with Matt and others who wanted me to stay. It was 'my' choice.

Can I suggest that as a newbie that you don't make assumptions about people who have been around for a long time and who have done a lot for the sport.......like Ed.

As for 'buddies' ....I have a lot in this sport.....who are all good people....and who do not need any 'approval' from someone who is still wet behind the ears.

Hope you continue to enjoy this great sport and maybe you can stop and think before you criticise the owner of this site again or its good posters on open forum.....if you ever want help or questions answered as a newbie.

The reader puts the tone on something they read...and as a forum expert ...you should know this.....you obviously missed the humour attached to certain posts or the Mickey taking..........and put your own interpretation on it.

This conversation is now ended.

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I sent you a PM because admin moved this thread as I tried to post my comments, then it appeared again after the PM had gone, dont worry I dont do stalking ^_^

As I said to you by PM, thanks for your promp reply Nicola, it pretty much confirmed what I suspected, I wont bother you again.

A nod is as good as a wink to a blind man in the lingerie department of Littlewoods.

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