Lots of good films about at the moment!

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Aug 25, 2012
Newton Abbot
We saw "The long walk to freedom" last week and "The Railway Man" yesterday - both excellent.  

The Monument Men is coming soon and looks good.

I'd recommend 12 Years a Slave... not an easy watch, but worth the effort.   And 'Her' is brilliant...

Paging @GavB - who is our resident film expert. 

Saw 12 Years a Slave after GavB  gave it a good review. Best film I've seen in ages, couldn't hold back the tears at the end. :thumbsu:

Will check out your recommendations, Robert.


Where are you watching these new films, at the flicks?

Can you get them on download yet and if so does anyone know how to get them onto an ipad or how many you can get on an ipad if you have other things on it. Do they take up massive amounts of space. I want some good ones on there if you teckies can tell me how (for my competitions abroad this year so i can disappear off and watch them).

I know it's not a new film but things take a while to catch up down here, but I saw a Michael Caine film on channel 5 about a week ago called Harry Brown. I haven't stopped thinking about it since. A really powerful subject, I ended up wishing I could be like that, and with an ending which I agreed with. Not PC but then neither am I.  :biggrin: Very well acted all round.

I know it's not a new film but things take a while to catch up down here, but I saw a Michael Caine film on channel 5 about a week ago called Harry Brown. I haven't stopped thinking about it since. A really powerful subject, I ended up wishing I could be like that, and with an ending which I agreed with. Not PC but then neither am I. :biggrin: Very well acted all round.
. Yes I have watched that a few times, didn't plan on watching it the other night, but curios to see where the film was, I ended up watching it to the end again!! Good film

Where are you watching these new films, at the flicks?

Can you get them on download yet and if so does anyone know how to get them onto an ipad or how many you can get on an ipad if you have other things on it. Do they take up massive amounts of space. I want some good ones on there if you teckies can tell me how (for my competitions abroad this year so i can disappear off and watch them).
According to my kids, you can download any film you like about a week after its released, totally free. :pirate:

Obviously not kosher, but they're all at it at uni.....downloading films that is.  :biggrin:

We saw "The long walk to freedom" last week and "The Railway Man" yesterday - both excellent.  

The Monument Men is coming soon and looks good.
I really liked Railway Man, a nice low key feel to it, "Her" is good to but will probably have no commercial appeal,interesting subject matter though.

Have not seen "long walk to freedom" might go this weekend.

Monuments Men wasn't bad, based on a book, I had no idea that such a department/team existed?

For the record i don't download my films, support the british film industry.

Where are you watching these new films, at the flicks?

Can you get them on download yet and if so does anyone know how to get them onto an ipad or how many you can get on an ipad if you have other things on it. Do they take up massive amounts of space. I want some good ones on there if you teckies can tell me how (for my competitions abroad this year so i can disappear off and watch them).
Regrettably, I only got the 13gb iPad, and 10gb is taken up, so can only maybe squeeze on HD movie onto it. They are about 3gb each.
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Oh bugger.

Can you buy any price of kit just for watching DVDs that is big enough?

just had a quick look for apps that i could stream/download films for when away on shooting trips but the reviews are not exactly glowing :(

Picked up Captain Philips in Tescos today on DVD and just watched it tonight - very good with Tom Hanks as the freighter Captain that gets attacked by Somali pirates - well worth £10

Streamin is the answer of course - if you have a good wifi connection then itunes or netflix will get you good stuff to watch.

Of course, you can only rip a DVD you own - but if you want to do that - I would recommend searching for an app called Handbrake (PC and Mac versions available)

An acceptable resolution copy of a movie (minimum 720SD not 1080HD) is achievable in 720ish mb - so even the smallest ipad could hold a few movies for a trip. 

I have heard that there are ways to download current movies from the internet, using something called BitTorrent - I have no idea if it works or not, and of course downloading movies is illegal. 

Back to the movies - I finally watched Wolf of Wall Street earlier this week - very good indeed. 

I'd also highly recommend:

Philomena, which was sad but really well made.

The Counselor - which was excellent

and my recent favourite was All is Lost - with a cast of one, Robert Redford plays a sailor adrift in the Sargasso Sea - absolutely superb film. 

WOLF OF WALL STREET  great film very thought provoking  once you get past the obvious male chauvanistic humour and behaviour, reall very witty and uproariously funny in parts would recommend anyone to go and see. My favourite scene was Donny at the pool table and his behaviour thereafter just brilliant !!!

Just plowing through a load weve picked up over the last month or so,

Wolverine - Not bad, the teaser trailer for the next outing looks to be a belter

Now you see me - Brilliant, keeps you guessing right to the end,  soundtrack is good too 

Yet to see

Rush, Senna, and some others  

An old one i can reccomend that missed the mainstuff is  The illusionist,    well worth an evenings viewing



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