Meet at Sporting Targets? 21.10.19

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Well-known member
May 29, 2019
Hi all,

Its been several weeks since I went shooting. And I'm gagging to get out and escape the world for a couple of hours, and bust some clays. Not planned a time yet, probably aiming for mid/late morning.

Should anyone wish to join me, drop me a line.. and we shall try to arrange something.

*edit... I should have mentioned I'm going tomorrow (21.10.19)

Warm regards


:frantics: :hairy: :hunter:

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Would have loved to met up today but just made plans and on my way elsewhere. Hope you have a good day there

Not been there for nearly a year now and there only 15 mins up the road, Something always conspires against me like work, Weather & my memory, One day soon maybe !

How did you get on Adam, It's a setup I like the high towers as it gives me a chance to waste more carts :)

I love it there. 

Well up for a meet. 

Drop me a message when your available next and we will see if we can arrange something... 
