met les

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
Met my good friend les today, as nice a chap in real life as one would imagine. I was somewhat disappointed however as there was no sign of a piece of corn hanging out of his mouth and no smock as previously promised. :)

I didn't realise you two had not met before.

I thought you were Siamese twins that had only recently been separated!!  :biggrin:

No mate up until now it was just a meeting of minds. :)

Sparks you say, yes the air was electric mainly due to the ongoing abt discussions les and i are famous for.

and Great to hear you guys finally meeting and enjoying the time. I get visions of the to characters on the muppet show sitting in the box seats who were always so cutting :) Would be great to meet up with you as well but the geography is limiting unless you are down this way??

and Great to hear you guys finally meeting and enjoying the time. I get visions of the to characters on the muppet show sitting in the box seats who were always so cutting :) Would be great to meet up with you as well but the geography is limiting unless you are down this way??
Yes Waldorf and Statler my thoughts exactly.

A touching forum bromance.   :preved:   We should all be thankful that they were nowhere any doddery old idiots   :crazy:   with release triggers that could have put an quick end to new love.

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THis is lovely - but I'm going to move to the Cocktail Lounge as its not strictly about shooting. 

Cocktail lounge!! How very dare you these are pint a meat pie types not Harvey wall banger sippers!

Was Les wearing jeans Ips?
I will answer for him....yes I was wearing usual. Ian looked every bit the northern landed gentleman of course! Impeccably dressed, smoking cigars, neatly pressed castelanni vest, polished shoes. Fred and I were put to shame!! Its nice to rub shoulders with some of them rich northern boys though! Ian never even mentioned mushy peas, nor did he say eh uup lad, but I guess even northern toffs don't say that ! Pmsl!!!!

ABT to me ABT to you.
Yes I think some poor unsuspecting person did bring up the abt subject oddly enough, not sure where he went though, he seemed to vanish rather abruptly for some reason, cant think why!!!!

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