Mono Vision

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2013
East Sussex
Starting to get frustrated...

I have mono vision.  I can see very clearly with either eye with glasses. I cannot see through both eyes at the same time. I have tried shooting with both eyes open, With a closed left [i shoot right handed] and also tried to ignore left eye.

It is getting to the point where I am not sure where to go for advice.  I know my scores are affected by the above, today I hit some and then missed the same ones and realised my sight line had moved across the rib due to slight double vision.  Thought of wearing a patch over the left lense or even throwing stones which might be more accurate.

Any advice will be gratefully appreciated.

Can you expand on when you say you have "mono vision"?

I think everyone on my squad hit some and missed the same ones today! :D

It seems I can only focus on something with one eye at a time and I am very right eye dominant.


Then try those "spots" that obscure some of the vision for therefor eye. What are you shooting? Trap? OT/UT/DTL?

I am the opposite massively left eye Dom and sometimes (ESP when tired) get the ghost barrels from my right eye but shoot lefthanded fine as long as I don't look at the bead.....

Interesting, obviously without assessing you I can't be much help…BUT, if you can't see through both eyes at the same time, that suggests the left eye is suppressed and therefore ignored, as if you were already patching it. I'm sure there's more to it than that though!

Just had a play with my eyes and finger (sat in passenger seat on motorway) looking out window ahead both eyes fine, put finger out at arms length and I see 2 fingers if I focus on car number plate ahead I see 2 fingers if I focus on finger I see 2 cars (its different with each hand) and harder to hold the vision with 2 cars ( I can also see through my finger slightly odd feeling)

However when shooting you shouldnt look at the bead but through it to the clay seems like your focussing on the bead? Are you short or long sighted in master eye? Is it the same for none master eye?

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looking out window ahead both eyes fine, put finger out at arms length and I see 2 fingers if I focus on car number plate ahead I see 2 fingers if I focus on finger I see 2 cars (its different with each hand) and harder to hold the vision with 2 cars ( I can also see through my finger slightly odd feeling)
That happens to me when I've had too much to drink...

As HDAV mentions I "sometimes ..... get the ghost barrels" or slight double vision.  I do feel a strain through the left eye, so perhaps I should try a patch and I had better investigate the spots, as long as they don't damage the glasses lens.

Got very frustrated earlier today, just could not obtain a steady focus from just my right eye because the left kept trying to interfering with my vision. 

PS -  I have seen my optician and tried out Contacts today, used to wear them, but no real difference. Oh, I have about +3 long distance in both eyes and my left eye wanders up to the left, bl**dy nuisance.

PPS -  been researching and found this re 'crossfiring' and a long bead to compensate. Anyone tried this solution?

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There are the glowing ruby beads which supposed to sort cross dominance as are the "shot spots" I tried a ruby for shooting RH didn't work sold the gun it was on and bought a left hander!

If it happens now I can ignore it once the clay is in the air...

Hi there, everyone will see a ghost image when shooting with both eyes open. The trick is to learn how to ignore the ghost image. One technique is to use a pencil held out at arms length. Use the pointed end as you would your front bead of your gun. Shut your non dominant eye and aim at something at least five feet away. Bring the pencil close to your face while still aiming it, then extend your arm. Now open both your eyes.

Keep repeating this. Eventually aiming the pencil with both eyes open all the time.

You need to train yourself to ignore the ghost image.

Target should be in focus, barrel should be blurred.

Right eye dominant people should ignore the ghost barrel image on the right.

It worth pointing out that a comb that is too low can also course eye dominance issues. 


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All very interesting.

Lots of good information given, but the best advice I could give to anyone that is having any problems at all with their shooting, is to go and see a good, experienced shooting instructor.

A shooting instructor's job is to deal with the general public and advise and cure problems that the customer has.

As HDAV mentions I "sometimes ..... get the ghost barrels" or slight double vision.  I do feel a strain through the left eye, so perhaps I should try a patch and I had better investigate the spots, as long as they don't damage the glasses lens.

Got very frustrated earlier today, just could not obtain a steady focus from just my right eye because the left kept trying to interfering with my vision. 

PS -  I have seen my optician and tried out Contacts today, used to wear them, but no real difference. Oh, I have about +3 long distance in both eyes and my left eye wanders up to the left, bl**dy nuisance.

PPS -  been researching and found this re 'crossfiring' and a long bead to compensate. Anyone tried this solution?
might be worth going to see Mr Lyons.....

As has been said, everyone will see 2 sets of barrels when looking at a clay with both eyes open. Thems the facts. Lyonnnnnnns!

Been doing a lot of research, checking glasses fitting, thought about a different type of bead or one of those things you can only see down wirh the correct eye, read some more and think I am coming to the conclusion, as I read somewhere, that I am still in rifle aiming mode at times and concentrating far to much on the bead and lead gap rather than really focussing on the clay and letting my head instinctively do the calculations for me..........i think!

When I next shoor, hopefully this weekend I will try some simple clays and really focus on the clay and keep practicing my mount. I will beat this problem, just a matter of how and wgen.  Off for a week in June so I will also book a lesson.



It seems I can only focus on something with one eye at a time and I am very right eye dominant.

That's meant to be a good thing in shooting isn't it? So long as the side of your master eye matches the side of your dominant hand you have a great big advantage. 

I used a spot of tape on my glasses, immediately over the left eye, just for a few shoots to get used to it, then ditched the tape and was shooting both eyes open. Stopping looking at the gun, now that's a different problem to solve. 

<insert chorus of "For eye problems cessation/You need a consultation/with a sports vision sensation/ go see Eddddd!"> 7

concentrating far to much on the bead and lead gap rather than really focussing on the clay and letting my head instinctively do the calculations for me..........i think!

When I next shoor, hopefully this weekend I will try some simple clays and really focus on the clay and keep practicing my mount. I will beat this problem, just a matter of how and wgen.  Off for a week in June so I will also book a lesson.
See? Look at the clay, not at the gun. Good luck on breaking yourself of that. I haven't learnt it entirely yet. But if you need someone to tell you that over and over again especially when you don't realise you're doing it there's an Ed for that as well.


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