Musto Clay Bag / Beretta Gold Cup Cartridge Bag

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My bag has no name on it, found it in the garage of the house I moved into in 1996, takes about 200 shells, shooting vest, gloves, hat, glasses, ear defenders and wot not. It's a sort of dirty blue colour, no idea how old it is and when I found it the thing had a trowel, some masking tape and a few screws in it, I still have the trowel. :haha:

Does it say "SWAG" on the front by any chance :)  

I have the Musto , in blue it's ok bag, pocket each end & one  zipped  either side and large enough for cartridges, ear muffs , cap , licence in holder, and a bottle of water , and sun screen  :crazy:   well made , Goes with the vest , which annoyingly  is in John Noris Sale paper for £49.99 :banghead:    if anyone is looking for a Vest i'm really pleased with  mine . 

I've never thought to keep a trowel in my shooting bag but I suppose it could come in handy for getting mud off wellies.
Mud???!!!  We trap shooters don't do mud!!!!!! Go and stand in the corner you naughty boy, you will need to stay behind after class and do 100 lines as follows;  Trap shooters do not do mud, do not wear wellies and do not lurk in hedges!  :stop:

Maybe I am just being cheap, but I use an old First Aid Bag. Takes 200+ cartridges and has cubbies for all the bits and pieces etc.  Best thing to my mind is that its a bit of a disguise too ;)  

Maybe I am just being cheap, but I use an old First Aid Bag. Takes 200+ cartridges and has cubbies for all the bits and pieces etc.  Best thing to my mind is that its a bit of a disguise too ;)
So instead of it being obvious it may contain shooting kit it could look like a nice stash of drugs & medicines. Not sure which is worse for attracting unwanted attention :)

I was down at Bisley on saturday and popped into the shop next to the NCSC which had all 3 in (Beretta Gold Cup and HP + the Musto). HP looked well made but quite a bit smaller and looks more like it was designed for range use / pistols etc. The Gold Cup looked slightly bigger than the Musto but the Musto looked better made, less garish (sp?) and had the extra pockets at each end. I think they say it takes 250 cartridges but I fitted 7 boxes on the bottom and looks like I could fit another 7 on top easily. Not sure I would ever need to do that and would not want to carry the weight of 14 boxes on my shoulder .. But as others have said that means 7 boxes plus a load of room for a skeet vest, ear defenders and anything else you may need.


So instead of it being obvious it may contain shooting kit it could look like a nice stash of drugs & medicines. Not sure which is worse for attracting unwanted attention :)
A first aid bag?  Drugs?

Plasters maybe and the odd bandage, but the only drugs you will find in any first aid bag are paracetamol (maybe ibuprofen?) :biggrin:

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My back is killing me Phil can i have two please. Ta. :)


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