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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Hiya everyone, Nice to see old friends on here and the report and other fresh results posted allready.Its looking good so far!. :)

Welcome aboard Berettaman - hope you like things round here - if so, spread the word!

Hello Ron :) :) we`ve been looking forward to having you back matey.

hey Ronaldo good to see you back old friend -- I hope you're still breakin a clay or two at the weekends

Hello Ron, I wouldnt refer to you as a new member, more like a tired and worn out "member" ., hope you recover from your fall buddy, I'll be ringing you later in the week to check on you.

Hiya Friends, Thank you all, I had my stitches out yesterday Tony, so far so good, I havent shot for the last 2 or 3 weeks dueto family problems, I find this site very slow to work on my PC and I dont know why? other than that It seems excellent. Regards.

Berettaman - Internet Explorer 8 by any chance? Or VIsta? I'm working on that issue at the moment... others have noticed the same. It can be fixed quickly by installing IE9, Chrome or Firefox - or waiting until I work out what is causing the problem.

How's it hanging Ron /wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-smile.gif Still haven't worn that lovely tie you gave me.. /wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-wink.gif

How's the senility coming on Ron, getting any dafter? Hope your on the mend soon and I'll bump into you at Kingsley or Shugbugger' Cheers Mr P
