Ran a shooting ground for some 17 years, during that time we probably trained up some 12 or more Safety Officers and ran some of their S.O. courses at our ground. We dutifully paid our annual affiliation fee and then came that flash of brilliance, the re qualification of Safety Officers scam. As running a shooting ground I was almost unable to shoot clays and having to pay an annual affiliation fee, I had not renewed my Individual CPSA membership. In order to requalify via the requalification scam, I was forced to renew my Individual membership, albeit as the cheapest form, the Clubman. I then successfully requalified, er, BY POST ??? and suprise, suprise, I passed. Total cost, somewhere in the region of £75. ONE month later, guess what ??? Safety Officers no longer require to requalify. So for 17 years of affiliation and assistance to run some of their courses, in return for ............................................well, NOTHING really.
Good old CPSA !