Not Shooting Enough?

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time and money - work  gets in the way , having said that  I used to shoot wed and sat practice ,   but I was going through the motions  it became a chore  ,  and I wasn't improving at all .   so on average now once a week sunday 100 esp     and guess what !   yes I am still rubbish .    :lol:  

My name is Richard and I'm a Clayoholic, I try on average to feed my addiction twice a week, (200 clays) sometimes the fix (poor performance) is such that I want the ground to open up and swallow me whole, I'd like to feed said addiction more however wife / children / dog / home / work and a more than passing interest in other minor sports do burn a lot of time and money.

And just who is Santander???     not only have you forgotten how to shoot, you have forgotten my name you plum! ;)

Santa   :santa:      xx

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