NSSA World Skeet Championships

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2012
The NSSA World Skeet Championships are underway at San Antonio in Texas USA !!!
I have placed a link below for scores posted as they come in.
Registration and practice for the 2013 World Skeet Championships opened at noon yesterday, with Mini World events starting Thursday.
Main World Championship events begin on Monday, with new World Champions being awarded on Friday, October 4.
Here are some important links to keep up with World Shoot coverage:
Latest information   http://www.nssa-nsca.org/index.php/nssa-skeet-shooting/ 
My own Facebook Group NSSA World Shoots https://www.facebook.com/groups/113898162100366/
Links to all World shoot scores 
I will start to post Pictures that I have taken in between my shooting of the events from next Tuesday because of Sponsor restrictions !!!
Ray :hi:  
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Was our CEO at the Opening Ceremony...perchance ?

Well, someone could send a mail to ask.... oh, no... wait...

Well, someone could send a mail to ask.... oh, no... wait...
:wink: As Miss Ross said.......'oooooooh ho hooo hooo hooooooooo.....still waaaaaaaaiting.......ooooooooh hoo hooo hoooooo hooooooooo....still waiting..........waiting for yooooooooooohoooo'.

Just wondering if....as it is San Antonio....one could leap back there....at yet more great expense......stand under a self made sign 'sporting' which is pinned over the top of Skeet......take the photo....stand with GB team for another photo (oh drat and darn....recognition would be a problem there).....ok ....we can cure this.........! One could stand at the entrance with a sign saying ' I will be in your photo for free'........and then back to Blighty 'toot sweet'.......and no one would be any the wiser......


Was our CEO at the Opening Ceremony...perchance ?
The opening Ceremony is tomorrow for the Mini & Main shoots which start tomorrow, I don't think he would be

interested in NSSA Skeet as it does not have anything to do with the CPSA, in fact the last 3 years I have never

seen him over here for this event !!   :hi:

I'm off to brekky now as it's 6.40am here now !!!

Well the Mini-World has finished and they are now onto the main event:-

Results and video of the mini-world gauges are below:-


4 people shot 100 straight with Mark Gay finishing as the Doubles Champion.

Shoot off Video - 

Yeah it is the "briley wand" system that we were talking about on here a while ago.

Never used it but it looks like a great concept.

just heard a brit was stipt of hiswin in d class for shooting in the wrong class in the 410 in the mini world got strip of his win and all the money he won thats the way to get the cheats pity our c p s a dont have the balls to do the same


Of course i DO NOT know of the circumstances surrounding what you have said above and this is the first i have heard of it. 


It could very easy be an honest mistake with NSSA using the rolling last 5 shoots to determine your average - it only needs to alter by 0.1% and in some cases you can shift a class. This is why its important that NSSA shooter use their records card correctly and carry it with them to all shoots.  If the shooter in question did not do this and missed that they slipped up a class based upon their latest scores and simply acted / shot off the NSSA website averages which can be slightly behind in shoots (eg:- European Open is not showing on their yet) then this could explain it.

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Main Event - Doubles.

Yesterday saw the Main world doubles event shot - 10 shooters broke 100 straight.

Shoot off Video - 

of course it is a mistake. like hell it is its not the first time a britt has been court out  at the world skeet iremember one last year enterd in Bclass got courtout dont now whats the matter with these people like the old saying once a cheat  why they have to go all that way to cheat is beond me

skeetfreak could you tell me if your AA in england are you still AAat nassa  12g  


The brief answer is NO - your ESK average has absolutely NO BEARING on your NSSA classification......

I am currently A class is ESK with an average of 94.1% - right in the middle of the class.

My NSSA 12 gauge average is 93.8% based upon my last 5 shoots - this places me at the lower end of B class.

IMPORTANT to remember also you are classed differently for each gauge too so my averages and classes for 20, 28, .410 and Dbls are all different. These are added / divided to find the HOA / HAA classes / averages.

12 Gauge - Main World.

This event is split into two sides "East Championship" which consists of 75 targets. Then a  "West Championship" which is another 75 targets and then and Overall 12 Gauge World Championship which is a combined scores of the "east & west" to give a total out of 150.

There were 40 shooters who scored 150 ex 150. 

Shoot off video of 12 Gauge  East - 

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greg i would think your conscience would not let you shoot in a lower class if you were say a Aclass or a AA shooter i now minewould if that was me i would declare AA across all G  that way i could sleep at night still wating news from nassa on the rules not that i dont belive you but i would like it from the top

He's just trying to have a pop at someone, do what everyone else does and ignore the nasty little prick !!!!!

Hiya Joe,

Honestly - look at the averages of both only 0.3% between them yet they give me differing classes. Even if i take my 94.1% from ESK that would still put me into B class for NSSA 12 gauge. So why should i declare - clearly that is my current true ability? 

I can truthfully say i have NEVER missed a target on purpose to alter a score. I personally want to SHOOT my way into AA / AAA rather than be forced into it by the "declare" rule. In fact if anyone cares to check back in 2004 / 2005 when i was "hot" in ESK the best i ever managed in 12 gauge NSSA was 97 ex 100 which is hardly AA / AAA scores.

Now here is the "odd" bit - our NSSA scores here are of course affected by good old British weather and the fact that not so many grounds offer NSSA (so far) yet the averages are used globally (mainly the USA) so get slightly distorted as the guys who shoot more often in the USA tell me that shooting good numbers over there is more reliable. 

I understand the rule is that in 12gauge you cannot shoot more than 1 class lower than your CPSA ESK class - ie if you are A class ESK you cannot shoot below B class at 12gauge NSSA. This is based on the rules a few years ago when I shot NSSA. I think this rule may also have applied to HOA or HAA, but not the rest of the individual gauges.

Initially, I shot in B class 12G whilst just A class ESK. I was completely incapable of hitting anything on station 8. It took quite a bit of work to get the hang of it and into A class NSSA.

It would obviously be dubious if someone was shooting C or D class 12G NSSA if in A class ESK (as the speed and station 8 shouldn't affect averages by many clays) but I don't think Greg has done anything to test his conscience or draw suspicion. The good thing with NSSA is that if you have a few good shoots you go up - and you can't go down more than 1 class every 6months/year.


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