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What is mentioned above is true enough if the current schemes are held.  If some minor changes were made to the schemes it would be a snap to use a DTL layout.  With 3 target heights and 5 horiz angles in the machine, the 5-post DTL arched shooting points,  five shots/sta,  would make for some way challenging shooting.  Current laptops could easy accommodate the programs and machine controls for any number of schemes and shooters.  Actually, accommodating 5 heights and 7 horiz in the schemes would not be all that difficult and make for a contest that would be at least as good as current OT, prolly better, and most certainly massively less expensive.  And how cool would it be to just hit the pull-down for a scheme change instead of resetting 15 machines, eh?

But just as ATA trap will die here just as it is now, OT will stagger on as a game of the few, just as it is now.  Sad to say  for both games..


Then it would not be an ABT trap :smile: also......you would have to change the ISSF rules which state the distance between traps and therefore affects where you see it leave the bunker. The current game is not played by throwing all the required angles from one position.... :smile:

Then you have the different lengths of arms to consider mmmmm long or short....then you have whether to use left hand or right hand throwers....but biggest problem of all will be.....who the hell will push this forward.....because then you get involved with 'politics' again......Cpsa requesting of Bictsf to request of ISSF a change to allow for these new traps and the rules changes.....the ISSF will then discuss with its 70+ member states whether to vote yes or no (after consulting with the various Olympic authorities) and who may want to run it as a test event at an Olympics.....and after about 6 years the answer will come back as NO.

By then the new technology manufacturer will have gone out of business and people will have forgotten who had the idea in the first place........oh and I forgot.....it will have cost about £370k (made up number) of members money of which we have not got......so CPSA will be in trouble wishing they had never asked Bictsf......and everyone will have joined the Scottish.

Did I miss anything....?


Run it as a posh domestic discipline and 200 bird selections and stuff issf :)

And none of this man lady kid thing either. Ooh this could have legs you know :)

Nicola... you clearly don't understand engineering a single ball trap could on a computer controled motorised sled and using the correct motors create the exact parameters of distance and angles of trajectory required by the regulations of Olympic trap to within the permitted tolerances. You would need five traps housed infront of the shooters and each would have to be programmed to the required parameters, Its not rocket science and being a scientist myself I can tell you I have worked with machines of much a more exacting nature! I would add this however it questionable whether such a system would infact be a more cost effective solution, the machines I worked with cost millions of pounds each mainly because of development costs. I expect something as crude as a trap system would still cost many tens of thousands to develop but it would definately not be a problem.

Well I do understand (as an ex-mechanical engineer) what you are saying, and I have not said that a trap could not be invented to throw all the desired angles.....at the set scheme for each target in the specific random pattern for the whole 25 on each peg, but it still would throw them only from one place and not from the 3areas that are used now. In order to make one trap replace 3...... You would have to change the rules of how the game is played.....simples :smile: because it would be impossible under the current rules to replicate the angles from 3 traps placed apart from each other by one trap in one position.

Hope that helps you understand the current set up of OT.

I suspect the such a sophisticated trap would have cost implications because the would have to be programmed into the computer systems as well. But it is possible if ISSF chose to change the discipline. That would be the hardest thing to achieve......just saying


P.s. I understand you think it can be done on a motorised sled and possibly it could.....

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More to the point what would need to be done to placate all of the ground owners that have already installed full O.T. layouts? They wouldn't be happy!! :spiteful: :spiteful:

A trap that could replicate all the OT schemes on a sled that could move between the 3 position (silently) would be very very expensive no doubt.

Stuff issf lets do it sounds cool :)
Yes lets do it....Now who is going to design it, test it .....and sell it to the ISSF and all the grounds around the world....??

It would give more jobs because you might need new sophisticated trap monkeys as well.

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Nicola as a mech eng I would have thought that you would have sused that an  incremental stepper motorised sled would have been an absolute ness and its not a poss that it would work it defo would! Machines as you must know are in everday use in factories throughout the world indeed even the in third world! And that there would be absolutely no problem whatsoever in producing spacing required by three separate traps and all of this dear reader controled from a common or garden laptop computer 

Many shooters don't realise that OT has fifteen different target speeds - they couldn't be set to the same speed even if you tried. Canterbury do the sled trap as described for about 10k. There is also the 15 carousel capacity.

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Never doubted that the tech is out there....Jwp.

Not sure what you are saying.

I am sure you must know how ISSF disciplines are run and regulated....everything from design of trap....etc etc etc.

So before spending a lot of money....you would have to sell the concept to the ISSF . It is their toy and they regulate all the rules....fact.

Anyone thinking of this should approach them first....or no matter how great it is.....it will not get off the ground.

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I say again stuff issf posh domestic discipline is the way to go :)

Hi Nicola

I never said anything about it being cost effective! I never even said anything about it being practical but there was a post asking if it could be done, it can there is no question about that at all none!

40 UP

 The release speeds could be varied as required without a problem again the motorisation required to power the throwing arm of such a trap could be done very very prescisly, the thing is as above would it be a viable alternative to the present setup I don't think in a million years that it would.Could it be done definately for goodness sakes we have visited the moon on less computation and fine engineering than goes into the current line of formula one race cars! 

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It has been done years ago - look at Dog-tyred's link to the film of Canterbury's sled trap. Yes all nine schemes.

Good ...that is that sorted then. It was never in doubt that anything can be done if the budget is there and if the rules can be changed.

Hi Nicola

I never said anything about it being cost effective! I never even said anything about it being practical but there was a post asking if it could be done, it can there is no question about that at all none!

40 UP

 The release speeds could be varied as required without a problem again the motorisation required to power the throwing arm of such a trap could be done very very prescisly, the thing is as above would it be a viable alternative to the present setup I don't think in a million years that it would.Could it be done definately for goodness sakes we have visited the moon on less computation and fine engineering than goes into the current line of formula one race cars! 
For heavens sake! It has been done already. Watch the bloody video in the link in my earlier post.

Opps.......there's an echo in here.....in here.......etc


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Saw that Vid on youtube a few weeks ago DT really neat system but that would not be any good for Olympic Trap though surely? I think five such setups would be required one of each stand no?
