OTG pellet proof specs...

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New member
Jan 7, 2015
I have spent a fruitless afternoon trying to find a pair of OTG (Over The Glasses) but pellet proof bins, an added problem is my new vari focals are not particularly small.  Any pointers please ?

The best pointer I can give is not to shoot in your varifocals but have a single vision distance lense made just for shooting.

I wore varifocals for a year and quite honestly it screwed up my shooting and I couldn't work out why until I changed back to single vision. That might just be my experience as varifocals didn't work for me at all.

Thank you.  With your combined experience I shall do nor¡thing but take your advice(s).  If I was to go for new single vision, pellet proof specs and was offered a choice of tints do you have suggestions for ( I can hardly use these words when writing to someone in UK) very bright sunshine, blue skies and the clarity that 35% relative humidity can give you? 

Thanks again in advance.

Something like an Oakley VR28 Black Iridium would be good for bright light but also will give you some contrast - if you were to go or a polarised version it would cut even more glare out but not then as versatile for less bright days!

Personally, when i had a choice of lenses, I almost never wore very dark lenses, even on a very bright sunny day. Just occasionally, the target will be into the sun itself, so then it is a help. The nice dark lenses you would wear around the pool feel relaxing, but for picking out clays, I always go with the lightest ones I can, as long as I am not squinting. Dark is fine if every target is against a blue sky, but as soon as its against some trees or whatever, it can become tricky. Wearing a cap with a peak helps a lot with glare.

Colin, I`m pleased to see you are concerned enough to want/wear protective glasses, I see a lot of people ,mostly at straw balers, do not,, or even ear plugs ! much less a cap,, which all three I feel are essential. 
