Owls Lodge: Premier League Round 5

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Nope. First ticket pulled - not there. Second ticket pulled Sian H not there. Gun was won with third ticket. ?

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Nope. First ticket pulled - not there. Second ticket pulled Sian H not there. Gun was won with third ticket. 
probably could have lived without ever knowing that.  What gun was it anyway?  I jokingly said to Tony on the way there today that I might not win the shoot but I would win the raffle.  Totally forgot about it.  

You should always trust woman's intuition it's like a sixth sense.

Berretata semi outlander something like that. I won the cartridges. 

I'd rather forget that I drove over 2 hours each way to do Owls.

Bloody atrocious, could not hit a thing. Worst I have EVER shot.

Ed has a lot of work cut out for him next week!

I'd rather forget that I drove over 2 hours each way to do Owls.

Bloody atrocious, could not hit a thing. Worst I have EVER shot.

Ed has a lot of work cut out for him next week!
Ian, some days it just doesn't work if the head is elsewhere. I have shot behind you before and no reason for you to worry. Forget it. Move on. A good day is around the corner.

I think this was one of the trickiest layout for a while at Owls Lodge! But while the 83 I scored wasn't a huge score, it's my personal best there in a registered shoot! I seem to have a mental block of passing 80 here!!!!!

I have had very varied scores at Owls over the last 18 months. It's never an easy shoot and there is also a wide mix of close tricky, plus longer targets, so if you are having a bad day or any sort of target problem, it will catch you out. I thought everything was pretty fair last Saturday. Not many fill ins, but nothing horrible, apart perhaps from that fast orange away on stand 2. I was very glad to only drop 1..
