Passive or Active Ear Defenders

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Oct 17, 2024
Hi folks,

What’s everyone’s thoughts on whether to use active or passive defenders? I’m currently using passive but wondering if I should move to active. Are there any benefits of disadvantages of either?

I’m not overly bothered about hearing conversations etc, but then again have not had any experience of this so would be great to hear everyone’s thoughts. Just looking for the best protection for my ears.
Hi folks,

What’s everyone’s thoughts on whether to use active or passive defenders? I’m currently using passive but wondering if I should move to active. Are there any benefits of disadvantages of either?

I’m not overly bothered about hearing conversations etc, but then again have not had any experience of this so would be great to hear everyone’s thoughts. Just looking for the best protection for my ears.
Horses for courses in many ways…

However, battery life on in ear can be poor and I’ve many stories of issues with in ear actives.

I had CFG passives and considers going active , but reputation put me off , so i
Bought swatcom overear and am
Happy with my choice .

Your mileage may vary
I´m wearing 3M Peltors now for about 8 years and they work just fine. Good sound quality, adjustable volume.
I once changed the foam inside and the earcushions. Available as spare parts.
Batteries are lasting long. I do wear mine every week for several hours and i changed batteries like 3-4 times in 8 years.
Once you are used to it you won´t like a passive defenders. Switching them off it is like a passive defender so
usable anyway.
I don´t like in ear so i stay with over ears.
Model is Protac II, out of production now, maybe.
Ultimately the best ear protection is quality passive ear defenders worn over foam ear plugs . That’s one extreme . 6 or 7 years ago I bought Sordin Pro X electronic . They have been superb . So is the back up service ( same applies for Swatcom , same manufacturer same service centre ) . You can change the volume to suit, or turn off , a one finger job takes literally a second . You'll get great all round awareness , often hearing a trap spring before you see the bird . You won’t miss safety comments or ref/ scorers instructions either . Gel ear seals are a must for comfort .
Ultimately the best ear protection is quality passive ear defenders worn over foam ear plugs . That’s one extreme . 6 or 7 years ago I bought Sordin Pro X electronic . They have been superb . So is the back up service ( same applies for Swatcom , same manufacturer same service centre ) . You can change the volume to suit, or turn off , a one finger job takes literally a second . You'll get great all round awareness , often hearing a trap spring before you see the bird . You won’t miss safety comments or ref/ scorers instructions either . Gel ear seals are a must for comfort .
Saved me some typing there 😂 I second every word. Feels like a lot compared to some of the cheaper options but the digital circuitry and the sound quality it provides are second to none. Added on the everything else mentioned above they are hard to beat. Had mine 8 years got the Mrs a pair about 4 years ago both as yet functioning amazingly with no issues
Just as an afterthought YCS , last month I wore them for the day during the 65 mph gales . Any normal person would be inside , but not game shooters , not normal our crew . The day was appalling wet , windy , more rain . I went through 3 coats , 3lots of gloves and 2 caps . The Sordin Pro X were saturated inside water driven into the cups and microphones . However .. I stripped them down , battery compartment watertight , all the workings potted in resin .. just dried them out with paper towels and hairdryer , back to perfect . Lesser brands would be dead .
Thanks for all the feedback everyone, really helped me decide. I think I need to give some electronic ear defenders a try before I decide. I’m recreational shooting at them moment so not too concerned about hearing my surroundings but, that said, I’ve never experienced it so keen to give it a try first.
I bought some active over ears but stopped replacing the batteries after a short while and am happy using the as a passive unit.

I probably shout at a lot of people but I am sure they understand.
Just as an afterthought YCS , last month I wore them for the day during the 65 mph gales . Any normal person would be inside , but not game shooters , not normal our crew . The day was appalling wet , windy , more rain . I went through 3 coats , 3lots of gloves and 2 caps . The Sordin Pro X were saturated inside water driven into the cups and microphones . However .. I stripped them down , battery compartment watertight , all the workings potted in resin .. just dried them out with paper towels and hairdryer , back to perfect . Lesser brands would be dead .
That’s the same with ours I was surprised just how much water can get inside them and them still work properly as you say it’s testament to the build quality. When the Mrs first got into shooting she was bought a cheaper but by no means cheap set by my parents and they where ok….. but nothing more than that. They ate batteries like I do shortbread, the volume control was a roll affair where it clicks on then you carry on rolling to adjust the volume and this was scratchy. Like static whenever you adjusted them. As this was the way to power them down it just got worse also. The rain finally killed them in the end.

I’m forever suprised by how few batteries my Sordins use. I use them every Sunday for a good 2-3 hours and in 8 years I may be on my third set off batteries. When the beep comes to let me know they are getting low I always think “oh yes they have batteries in these”😂
Thanks for all the feedback everyone, really helped me decide. I think I need to give some electronic ear defenders a try before I decide. I’m recreational shooting at them moment so not too concerned about hearing my surroundings but, that said, I’ve never experienced it so keen to give it a try first.
I would fairly confidently say if once you try them you won’t be disappointed. The only downside some people find with ones such as Sordins and other over ears is they can be banged on the stock due to your ear and shoulder being fairly close together although the Sordins are narrow at the bottom so this alleviates the issue as much as possible. It’s not an issue I have but something to consider.

Also the super hearing they give you I find is an added bonus as you can hear trap arms that you can’t with your normal ears. When they first arrived and I put them on to see what they where like I could not only hear the clock ticking but the insides of it rattle when it did tick which was odd 😂
Ultimately the best ear protection is quality passive ear defenders worn over foam ear plugs . That’s one extreme . 6 or 7 years ago I bought Sordin Pro X electronic . They have been superb . So is the back up service ( same applies for Swatcom , same manufacturer same service centre ) . You can change the volume to suit, or turn off , a one finger job takes literally a second . You'll get great all round awareness , often hearing a trap spring before you see the bird . You won’t miss safety comments or ref/ scorers instructions either . Gel ear seals are a must for comfort .
This is what I do. Means I can’t hear the clay truck roaring up behind me though……
Protecting your hearing while shooting should be an absolute priority. The long term benefits far outweigh what you’ll spend on a decent pair of ear defenders. I was told recently by a geriatrician that one of the greatest reasons for dementia is hearing loss. Buy a decent pair of Swatcom or Sordin pro x and there should be no debate.
I use the CENS active in ear type, they have functioned superlatively. I did have some Swatcom Overear but they were hot, heavy and made the top of my scull ache. They also caught on my stock but were very well made and had excellent sound. The moulded types are brill and give a very good seal. Battery life on the Cens is two weeks but the batteries are cheap and its fairly easy to swap the batteries out.
I have worn cens passive for 15 years and just started using the electronic inserts. One of biggest benefits I have found is hearing the trap fire/trigger, especially if you can't see the trap. No more surprise clays appearing, I know it's on it's way.
When I started shooting, I just used standard push in ear plugs, then moved onto moulded ear plugs with a sonic valve for many years.

They wore out, so got some Howard Leight Impact Ear Muffs and noted what a big improvement that was.

However, changed my shotgun, which had a raised stock and they didn’t work anymore as kept hitting the stock. So had some CENS moulded ear plugs made, which worked well.

Nine years later, changed shotgun again and went back to the HL Impacts again. Noted improvements to the ambient sound around me, could hear conversation much better.

But recently changed to the Sordin Supreme Pro X with gel ear pads. Much more comfortable and a better fit, particularly with glasses. The shot sound is quieter, but perhaps the ambient noise isn’t as loud. However, it does have four settings, so will have to play with them a bit more. When switched off, the seal is good as you don’t hear a thing.

For information, the SNR for the HLs is 25dB, the CENS is 25dD and the Sordin is 28dD.

Depends if you get distracted by ambient noise (people having a full blown conversation behind you). If you are like me you will want to cut it out and use passive plugs and muffs over the top. Of course you can’t hear traps going off and difficult to hear what ref/scorer is saying that the downside.
I damaged my hearing years ago through shooting and have permanent tinnitus which is another reason why I use both. Apparently there are small bones around the ears which pick up sound/vibrations and are not covered by plugs so muffs are better for that.
Depends if you get distracted by ambient noise (people having a full blown conversation behind you). If you are like me you will want to cut it out and use passive plugs and muffs over the top. Of course you can’t hear traps going off and difficult to hear what ref/scorer is saying that the downside.
I damaged my hearing years ago through shooting and have permanent tinnitus which is another reason why I use both. Apparently there are small bones around the ears which pick up sound/vibrations and are not covered by plugs so muffs are better for that.
Your right more damage is done to hearing by the shot blast around the bones in the ear . I wear plugs and pelter m3 sporttac ear muffs when shooting , don’t have problems with muffs knocking on the stock . I have a Monte Carlo . I Take muffs off when I’m out the stand . If you don’t like the talking behind you tell them to shut the f-ck up . They should have more respect , they wouldn’t like it . It’s also one of the cpsa etiquette rules to keep the noise down when someone else is shooting
Your right more damage is done to hearing by the shot blast around the bones in the ear . I wear plugs and pelter m3 sporttac ear muffs when shooting , don’t have problems with muffs knocking on the stock . I have a Monte Carlo . I Take muffs off when I’m out the stand . If you don’t like the talking behind you tell them to shut the f-ck up . They should have more respect , they wouldn’t like it . It’s also one of the cpsa etiquette rules to keep the noise down when someone else is shooting
I’ve told people to shut the f-ck up before now and having done that it certainly doesn’t help my concentration. I’d be doing that at many shoots especially non squaded and find it easier to keep in the zone by not hearing much at all! 😀
Not bothered about people talking around me. Shooting for me is a social hobby, enjoy the company as well as the shooting.


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