This was an extremely expensive set of Pilla Shooting Glasses, and although Bi-Focal for up close reading, when Shooting you see through the main part of the Lens and the small bottom section does not obstruct your Vision.
Pilla 580 Carbon BiFocal Glasses Trivex D28 Lens, Hard Case, set of three.
Condition is New. 580 frames, Bi-Focal, 1 Black and 2 Blue/Yellow Frames, individual cases and Pilla Carbon look master hard case. Lenses are Grey Polarised, 70cy, 44n.
Prescription is
Re. +1.00/-0.25 x 130
Le +1.25/-0.25 x 60
+2.25 add

Pilla 580 Carbon BiFocal Glasses Trivex D28 Lens, Hard Case, set of three.
Condition is New. 580 frames, Bi-Focal, 1 Black and 2 Blue/Yellow Frames, individual cases and Pilla Carbon look master hard case. Lenses are Grey Polarised, 70cy, 44n.
Prescription is
Re. +1.00/-0.25 x 130
Le +1.25/-0.25 x 60
+2.25 add