Price drop

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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I have to smile at some of the 'hype' attached to the current  'DROP'  in cartridge prices. Before we rush off to order that 'K' gun with all the savings we are about to enjoy, here is a small reminder  :-  In December of 2016, less than 6 months ago, I paid £150/1000 for Cheddite 24 gram Trap 7.5's plastic wad. Last month I paid £177/1000 for the same cartridges.  At that time the Hull Superfast plastic wad were £157/1000 and I see the new discounted price is £192/1000. All credit to Malmo Guns for only having 1 price increase on the Cheddite range, raising them to the currrent price of £177/1000, but I feel ALL cartridge manufacturers are still having a laugh at our expense  (pun intended). 

Countryman of derby are doing there own cart's (Loaded by Eley) for £173 per K. Apparently very good to.

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I have to smile at some of the 'hype' attached to the current  'DROP'  in cartridge prices. Before we rush off to order that 'K' gun with all the savings we are about to enjoy, here is a small reminder  :-  In December of 2016, less than 6 months ago, I paid £150/1000 for Cheddite 24 gram Trap 7.5's plastic wad. Last month I paid £177/1000 for the same cartridges.  At that time the Hull Superfast plastic wad were £157/1000 and I see the new discounted price is £192/1000. All credit to Malmo Guns for only having 1 price increase on the Cheddite range, raising them to the currrent price of £177/1000, but I feel ALL cartridge manufacturers are still having a laugh at our expense  (pun intended). 
Exactly, people have short memories as the cartel did the same a few years ago, put prices up in incomprehensible leaps and then a few weeks later dropped them by a tenner to make us all think they've somehow managed to make savings to help us. It's becoming a bit of a well trodden path. 

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South Worcester Shooting Ground  (no refs you button yourself except for the diamond masters)

Next  Sunday Shoot  

June 4th

Entries 10.00 - last Entries 1.00

Choice of.... 60, 80 or 100 bird cards
over 10 Sporting Stands


'Diamond Masters'

Also Every

First Friday of 2017- June 2nd
Includes 'Diamond Masters'

10.00am - 4.00pm (finish shooting)




Friday June 2nd


Sunday June 4th
 in addition to the normal sporting layout, we have the...


for you to have a go at.

This is a great new discipline, which is unique due to its random sequence.
John Jefferies will be running it and in addition he has donated prizes. He will also have his demo guns on display with the new Perugini & Visini HVR and Perazzi DSR, featuring tops for clay shooting performance plus the RSR and some second hand guns. 
He will be giving cartridge prizes, but he will be raising the game a little to 500 for the top score, second 250 and 3rd 100.  In addition, he will be running an accumulating prize, which he anticipates should be approx £300 by the June event, for any shooter doing 25 straight. There will an additional £100 if done with one of his guns. This accumulates by £1 for each entry at his various events over the summer showing the...

'Diamond Masters' 

If the score of 25 straight has already been won, it will start again at £100 base figure with £1 added for every entry on the day. 

Great Cartridge News!

Price Drop!!!

Currently I haven't heard if Gamebore are extending their offer into next month. I still have a few cartridges in stock from the pallet I bought at the offer price . Once they are gone; unless Gamebore extend the offer beyond the end of May; the price will revert. At the moment these are the prices, which represent excellent value for this great performing cartridge.

£178.00 per k  plastic wad (£16.00 discount)
£184.00 per k fibre wad (£20.00 discount)

My contact details…….
John Clements
01684310605 – 07720033415
We are located 300 yards East of post code WR8 0AX
Our e-mail address is:
[email protected]
Web Site


#shot the diamond masters at orston last week, with JJ's gun. That thing is bizarre, but it seems to work.

#shot the diamond masters at orston last week, with JJ's gun. That thing is bizarre, but it seems to work.
I've tried both the DSR and the P&V.  HPX DSR balance didn't suit me much, but I really liked the P&V and shot well with it.  Just a little too expensive for me so I went for a K-gun instead.

I've tried both the DSR and the P&V.  HPX DSR balance didn't suit me much, but I really liked the P&V and shot well with it.  Just a little too expensive for me so I went for a K-gun instead.
I shot the P&V , more than a K gun???? 

I shot the P&V , more than a K gun???? 
For the Suprema at the time I was looking I think it was getting on for 4k more than I paid for my Parcours.  I really liked shooting with it, but I wasn't quite prepared to spend that on something quite so new to the market.

For the Suprema at the time I was looking I think it was getting on for 4k more than I paid for my Parcours.  I really liked shooting with it, but I wasn't quite prepared to spend that on something quite so new to the market.
so 14/16k ish, thats excessive.
