Prince Albert shooting from the hip...

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2014
Hamworthy, Poole
I've asked over on PW and got nowhere...

A recent episode of "Victoria", the costume drama featuring the life of the young queen, shows Prince Albert at a driven game day. He was depicted shooting from the hip, both standing and kneeling. He was bringing the birds dow, too.

Is there anyt evidence that this actually happened, and did he make a habit of it?

I don't know for sure it but does sound plausible because it's a relatively easy thing to grasp with incomers and Victorian era pheasants would have been fairly low affairs. It's certainly possible he did so to alleviate the boredom of shooting several hundred conventionally plus it would have looked devilishly clever to the assembled crowd.

Probably... it's a lot easier than you think. Ive seen loads of people do it.  Actually makes you wonder how you miss when shooting ftom the shoulder. 

Yes, and the fields in the background had remarkably straight tramlines for a horse drawn implement too !     :rolleyes:  
Horses weren't allowed to drink in those days, so the lines were straight...s'obvious.

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Some of the Victorian shoots was and still are some of the best shoots in England!

I've asked over on PW and got nowhere...

A recent episode of "Victoria", the costume drama featuring the life of the young queen, shows Prince Albert at a driven game day. He was depicted shooting from the hip, both standing and kneeling. He was bringing the birds dow, too.

Is there anyt evidence that this actually happened, and did he make a habit of it?
It's what Captain Mainwaring would call "a shabby Nazi trick!":) 

When l had a gunship I also,sold books on game shooting etc.,  Most were reprints of Victorian shoots, perhaps some of you should read some?

Sorry too many damaged fingers! but we wont go there.

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