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Feb 14, 2012
JUST THROWING THIS OUT THERE !!!! how would people feel about NO H/G prizes and considerably more £££ in class ????


JUST THROWING THIS OUT THERE !!!! how would people feel about NO H/G prizes and considerably more £££ in class ????

Better job imo, but i,m biased as i,m never likely to win high gun :wink: :wink:


Thats how prize fund is done in a lot of Skeet and DTL where enties tend to be smaler than Sporting.

You might upset a few AA shooters but what you loose there you may well gain from A, B, C, Ladies, Vets, Juniors and Colts.

I would vote for more in Class.

Not being rude or anything but that's the quickest route to promoting mediocrity. I shoot as competitively as my little talent will allow me and much more often than not lose to the big boys but I wouldn't want it any other way. You take home the spoils if you shoot bestest.

I put a lot of effort into my game and it would pee me off something chronic to see people I've outshot by a tidy margin folding notes away in their wallets. :lol: :???: :yell:

Quite right, theres enough sandbaggers out there as it is. Shoot to the best of your ability and if its only good enough for halfway up your class put the time and effort in to improve.

I think Steve Lovatt and I believe,yourself, Greg, have it right. A high gun then a seperate fixed amount for class high gun. Keep rewarding excellence and people will strive to improve.

There are plenty of club shoots which use this system, and they are not fighting people off with a stick!

I think ditching £150 HG for example, and spreading it evenly amongt the top 3 from C to AA works out at a difference of £12. Not going to pull in that many more but certain to keep a good few away!

I've only ever shot for the fun and enjoyment of it. ;)
Same here, and the more I shoot the more enjoyment I get, of course it helps if you can win a bit back to pay your way :lol: . Seriously though, wouldn't you like to win back your costs if all you had to do was shoot a bit better?

It takes alot to win a shoot outright, if you are fortunate enough to do so you should be rewarded,for it!

The good thing about shooting is that an absoloute begginer can compete with a world champion on a regular basis, not many sports can boast that.

You should always reward someone for being the best even if its on your regular sunday comp

Some shoot for fun........some shoot to win........!

In my own discipline......I shoot to win. The day I stop wanting that the day I die :)

Chris your right!!

Every competition has a winner and shooting should be no different!

I agree as well - winning is the aspiration for many - in whatever class - so let that be recognised.

I'm unlikely to trouble the till too often - but when I get a decent score, and it happens to be better than everyone else in the class - then I hope there is something waiting for me.

It's all about enjoyment AND competition - the two aren't exclusive to me.

Totally agree with you Chris, the time effort and talent needed to compete at the top is second to none, and in this sport its down to our own pockets these days to acheive this as very few get good sponsership, if you win the shoot you should be rewarded as you have earned it..... and in this sport as Chris says pay your £35 and you can shoot along side world champs, and england team shooters..... :) :) :) :)

And me - you get to shoot alongside me. You lucky people.

But seriously - I agree with the comment : "every competition needs to have a winner..."


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