Prolonged concentration tips and suggestions

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I need one, otherwise I feel like my life is missing something. ?

We have shot in Cape Town several times now and it's always HOT.  The locals always tell us we must have a bottle of water/ juice every layout or 25 targets, just keep drinking and drinking.  If you are dehydrated you end up getting headaches and loss of concentration, saying that we both shot Hepworth Hall on Sunday and it was hot, we both drank plenty then shot Southdown yesterday where it was even hotter.  Both had a 1.5 litre bottle of water which we drank on way round but still felt absolutely shattered by the end of the round and many people we spoke to said the same.  Even though we drank plenty Phil has been in bed all day today feeling ill and looking up symptoms has mild sunstroke.  

Being a lady of a certain age, with the dreaded menopause upon me it doesn't take much for me to loose concentration which is one symptom.  I can look at a target, have it in my mind the hold point, kill point, how my feet should be etc then I get in stand and I can't even remember my own name let alone where the effing targets are coming from or anything else, so I think I maybe wasting my time at the moment full stop!!!  Either that or take the sloe gin around with me ? May not make me shoot better but I may be in a better frame of mind on way home. 
When I saw you yesterday I had just shot my 2 worse stands and on both I felt just completely drained.  I stopped for a few minutes, drank most of my water, carried on and finished quite strongly.

I had the same on Sunday, had a dip about half way round.  I'm certain that I didn't take on nearly enough fluid before shooting.

I definitely don't drink enough but I am making a concerted effort now as it really does affect me whatever the weather.  My eyesight suffers as well as my concentration.

When I shoot early I never have a coffee before I leave due to the male prosta-pause issue which would require too many relief sessions; if see what i mean 
yes, I do ?

Possible dehydration does seem to be the common theme here

Must take more fluids with me
There's much misinformation and 'internet wisdom' out there about hydration. Drinking water when you're already dehydrated may alleviate thirst but it takes many hours to re-hydrate the body, therefore it's important to consume plenty of hydrating fluids during the 24 hours before the shoot. Whilst coffee and wine are not hydrating, most other non diuretic drinks with a high water content such as tea, most juices (and even beer) are hydrating.

The point is that, despite all the propaganda, it's not necessary to drink lots of plain water and certainly not 3 litres, but it is wise to hydrate during the day before setting out to shoot.

There's much misinformation and 'internet wisdom' out there about hydration. Drinking water when you're already dehydrated may alleviate thirst but it takes many hours to re-hydrate the body, therefore it's important to consume plenty of hydrating fluids during the 24 hours before the shoot. Whilst coffee and wine are not hydrating, most other non diuretic drinks with a high water content such as tea, most juices (and even beer) are hydrating.

The point is that, despite all the propaganda, it's not necessary to drink lots of plain water and certainly not 3 litres, but it is wise to hydrate during the day before setting out to shoot.
Glad to hear you think drinking beer on a Saturday should help my shooting on Sunday,i would beg to differ ;)



tis a funny thing but in the olden days (80s 90s) we used to have a jolly old time in the hotel bar before English open dtl & abt etc and most of my best results have been when ever so slightly worse for wear.

I once tried T total 7 years to be precise, twas a miserable existence and I blame total lack of alcohol for effecting my mind in such a way that I got married. That only lasted 7 years as well. ?

I'm rubbish at drinking now. Had a pint and a half yesterday lunchtime and felt like I had a hangover by 3pm. Was a good lunch though.

I used to row [8's] and we always drank before and it seemed to help. I won competitions 2 yrs in a row [no pun intended]

Back to the OP concentration thing.  I find that I can really bear down and get just killer focus for the shot if between shots I relax and whistle a fave little tune.  I notice that the other shooters also seem to be able to break their concentration too when I do that.  Hope it helps them as much as it does me.  I always try to be the helpful sort - part of being a perfectly lovely person innit?


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